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夜晚杭州西湖作文范文英语 第一篇


Another National Day is coming. It's the 70th birthday of our motherland's mother. This day, my parents took me to Hangzhou West Lake, a pearl in the paradise on earth.


Walking along the Sudi, the big green trees decorate the Sudi with extraordinary beauty. The squirrels on the trees bring a new life to the Sudi. The people on the upper reaches of the dyke were like knitting, and their faces were full of joy. Looking into the distance, we can only see the continuous ups and downs of the mountains, the lake sparkling in the sunshine, like a beautiful landscape painting. We arrived at Huxinting by electric boat. The Pavilion in the center of the lake is the first island built on the three islands of the West Lake, and it is also the largest pavilion in the lake. The pavilion was first built in 1552. In front of the pavilion, there was a handwriting written by Emperor Qianlong. xxxThen we came to Ruan Gongdun. Ruan Gongdun seems to be a green fairyland, where you can see a large number of green trees and a variety of ancient trees. Walking on the road, you can also occasionally smell the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, accompanied by the sound of birds, let alone how pleasant it is!


Finally, we came to Xiao Yingzhou. Xiao Yingzhou is the largest island of West Lake. It was built in 1679 and has the reputation of xxxislands in lakes and lakes in islandsxxx. The three two-meter-high stone pagodas in the southern end of Xiaoying Zhou Lake were built in 1621 after the original three pagodas built in Dongpo, Jiangsu Province. There are five holes in each tower. The moon lights are placed in the middle of the tower at night, and the real moon in the water reflects each other. Together, there are thirty-three moons. Thirty moons are the reflection of lights and lights, two moons are the reflection of the real moon and its reflection, and one moonlight is in their hearts. This is the famous xxxThree Pools Yinyuexxx at home and abroad.


At night, we came to Wulin Square. Wulin Square is a splendid place. Countless pots of chrysanthemum and chrysanthemum make up a big five-star red flag. In the light of the lamp, the red is very bright and the yellow is brilliant and striking. Looking at it, I'm intoxicated.


Hangzhou in October is so beautiful! Everywhere is filled with the joy of National Day and the fragrance of late autumn. How can we not be intoxicated?

夜晚杭州西湖作文范文英语 第二篇

As the saying goes, xxxthere is heaven, there are Suzhou and hangzhou.xxx Sue go and Hangzhou belong to the south of the city, but West Lake is the most beautiful in Hangzhou.

We have a bright pearl in West Lake, and that is Fushun.

West Lake is famous for its far and near, attracting many Chinese and foreign tourists,

Spring, the willow around the West Lake quietly spit out buds, in the breeze blowing heartily show their graceful body.

In summer, the lotus bloom inside the west. Have a bud just ready to burst like a shy, little girl. Some are in full bloom, like a graceful girl. Bring these beautiful flowers and green leaf, add a colorful color for West Lake

The autumn leaves fluttering in the air and landed in the water, like the fish are propped up an umbrella.

Winter, West Lake near the dream, they want to make a good dream, next year with full spirit to greet the arrival of spring.

This is the year round of West Lake, is not the super?

夜晚杭州西湖作文范文英语 第三篇

West Lake is located in the western area of Hangzhou City. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers.

West Lake is not only famous for its picturesque landscape, it is also associated with many scholars and national heroes. In addition, many ancient buildings in surrounding areas are among the most cherished national treasures of China, with significant artistic value.

Due to its prominent historical and cultural status among Chinese scenic resorts, West Lake was elected as a National Key Scenic Resort in , the picture of xxxThree Ponds Mirroring the Moonxxx was printed on the backs of RMB one yuan bill issued in 20_.




夜晚杭州西湖作文范文英语 第四篇

he famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay.

Charming West Lake Hangzhou the Four Seasons xxxa paradise on earthxxx with an embedded shining pearl it is that the West Lake. And the beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm ( 韵 味 ) that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day.

Among its beautiful sights the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake (西湖十景) .

A collection of ten scenic views formed during the Southern Song Dynasty they are distributed around and within the lake and serve to show the charms of the West Lake. Each scene is unique and when taken together are said to present the essence of West Lake scenery and form the core of any West Lake tour.

Visitors to the lake can plan to spend their time viewing the xxxTen Scenes of the West Lakexxx.









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夜晚杭州西湖作文范文英语 第五篇

Today, my brother took me to Hangzhou West Lake. The water of the lake is green, and the golden light on the water is very moving. As soon as the wind blows, there are layers of ripples on the water.

There are also small carp in the lake. Some children are feeding them with bread crumbs. Two mandarin ducks are swaying towards us. The willows on both sides are green. Willow twists and turns, a breeze blows, willow branches dance with the wind, as if many little girls are dancing. Not far away, round dragonflies rest on the water lotus, just like their airport.

I saw ships, big and small, sailing in the lake. I excitedly said to my brother, xxxI also want to take a boat.xxx. Brother nodded and agreed. First we went to the wharf to buy tickets, and then we went on board again and again.

When they were full, the captain sailed in the lake. I carefully looked at the scenery in the distance and suddenly found a bridge in the distance. I think it must be a broken bridge. I asked my brother, xxxis that a broken bridge?xxx he said, xxxyes, the legendary white lady and Xu Xian met on the broken bridge.xxx When I looked towards the broken bridge, I found a very high tower, that is Leifeng Tower.

We got under the boat quickly. I can't wait to run to Santan Yinyue. I heard that there are 33 moons in Santan Yinyue. The blink of an eye time, we reluctantly left.




等人满了,船长开着船在湖中行驶。我仔细地看着远处的风景,突然发现远处有一座桥,我想那一定是断桥。我问哥哥:“那是不是断桥?” 哥哥说:“是的,传说中的白娘子和许仙就是在断桥上相遇的。”我朝断桥的方向看去发现有一个很高的塔,那就是雷峰塔。









热门标签: 英语






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