英语演讲范文:So much to learn

更新时间:2023-04-01 09:58:07 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

good morning, dear teachers and fellow students. it’s my great honor to stand here and share a happy morning with you. i am no. _____ . today my topic is “ so much to learn.”

hello! my dear friends !do you like reading books? i guess all of you will say yes. am i right? thanks to books, we have got a lot of knowledge. on the other hand, tv is another way of getting knowledge. i still remember: last year, i watched an exciting speech on tv. it was given by american president obama, i could feel his great charm. i admire him. yeah, at that time i made a decision: i try to learn english well and some day i can have a talk with him. however, it’s a pity that my english is not so perfect. what can i do? how can i do it? ah, so much to learn. don’ t lose heart! just do it! i say to myself aloud. if you set up your mind to learn it, you will get much knowledge. i am sure you will achieve your goal.

ok! so much knowledge for us to learn. we should do our best to learn it. we must try our best to learn it as much as possible. because knowledge can make us be learned and wise; because knowledge can make our country develop very fast; because knowledge can make our world be in harmony. ok! let’s keep trying!

as you know, now i am a junior high school student. my school life is very wonderful and there are so many interesting subjects for us to learn, such as chinese, english, maths, history, and so on. ok, let me tell you something about my school life. i hope you will enjoy it. in my chinese lesson, i can recite the old wise sayings: “ isn’t it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away?” “ what you know, you know; what you don’t know, you don’t know.” these words are so educational. meanwhile, i like english very much. in my english class, i try to practice my oral english. ok, i have a dream that some day i can travel around the world and make many foreign friends. all right! history lessons bring us much enjoyment, and i can have a talk with the great people in history, such as conficius, qinshihuang, dr.sun yat-sen, and so on.

at last, i would like to say, we shouldn’t waste time, life is limited while knowledge is boundless. aha, there is so much to learn. maybe you like reading; maybe you like singing;… maybe you have a lot of other hobbies, it doesn’t matter, if you like it, just learn it. just do it. don’t hesitate. knowledge is power. there is no choice but to learn. what’s more, you are never too old to learn. am i right? my friends, open your eyes, can you see the flame of knowledge burning forever? yeah, i can see it. i can see it clearly. come on, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. let’s swim in the ocean of knowledge; let’s climb on the top of knowledge. at that time, you will be a learned person with much knowledge. you will be the happiest person in the world.

that’s all. thank you for you attention.








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英语演讲范文:So much to learn.docx






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