
更新时间:2023-01-11 14:43:46 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


自我介绍英语作文80字 篇1

hello everybody, I m from Guanxi, 21 years old, currently my subject is studying on news, very happy that i could have a chance of attending this competition, my hobit is very wide, very good in writting, love to drive.I think this competition is the stage to showing myself, i think my confidence is the base of my success.

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇2

Hello,every one!

My name is Xu Chen .

I m a 13 years old .

I live in the beautiful city of MeiZhou.

There are 3 people in my family.They are my father,my mother, and me. My father is a teacher .He works in a school .My mother is in home. She is do housework. I like playing chess and reading books. This is me .A sunny boy.

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇3

Hello everybody! I m . My English name is . My favorite hobby is playing the piano and read English.My favorite subject is Math and Science.I like this new class very much and I ll be in charge of everyone.

I want everyone can tie in with my work. I hope we can study hard together and have a good time. That s all. Thank you.

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇4

My name is *. I m 9 years old. I m from class.My hobby is painting, playing basketball and swimming.My handwriting is not bad.If you want to learn, I can call you.I hope to learn and progress with you.thank you.


自我介绍英语作文80字 篇5

Hi, boys and girls, good morning, it is my plearsure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is , i am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time!

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇6

Hello my name is. I am years old. I graduated from . I have a dream since I was a child. I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true.

If i can take this job. I ll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job.

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇7

Hi everyone, glad to introduce myself. I graduated from junior high school, my name is , comes from a beautiful city named . I like making friend with others, playing computer and reading. I am proud of studying with everyone in the same class for the coming years. I am sure our common dreams will come true from now on. Thanks.

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇8

My name is .And I m 13 years old.My hobbies are singing,dancing anddrawing pictures.And I m a sanguine person.My favourite stars are Shu Chang and JJ Lam.I like playing computer game and reading classicin the rest.I m studying at Xiao Shi Zhong Xin school.

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇9

Hello! My name is zhanghua. I m 8 years old. I m not tall and I m thin. I have a long black hear. I m a happy girl. I like drawing and reading. My favorite subject is English,but I m not good at English. I like playing sports. I like playing ping-pong best. I want to make friends with you!

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇10

My name is zhangyifan,, 15-year-old boy, my specialty is writing. I was an introverted person, I am very glad and we spend three years of junior high school time in the hope that the days to come and we will happily spend our lives to add a perfect and rich memories!

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇11

Hello,every one!I am a girl.I am eighteen years old.I have many hobbies.I m very enjoy every nice things.I think they are very wonderful! I am very glad to take part in this compitation. Long ago,I am a shy girl, but in three years in the school,I began to become happy and more comfident.Now,I will act a program. I hope you will like it.Thank you.

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇12

My name is zhangyifan, this year 15-year-old boy, my special features is writing.I am an introverted person, very happy can spend a junior high school with everyone .I hope in the future day can spend amusedly with everyone for three years, increasing a perfect but substantial recollection for our lifes!

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇13

My name is zhangyifan,, 15-year-old boy, my specialty is writing. I was an introverted person, I am very glad and we spend three years of junior high school time in the hope that the days to come and we will happily spend our lives to add a perfect and rich memories!

自我介绍英语作文80字 篇14

Hello, everyone. I m glad to introduce myself to you. I m from Chongqing. Iam a teacher. I have many hobbies, such as taking notes, reading, listening tomusic, dancing, singing, playing basketball and swimming. I think we shouldtreat everyday as the last day for us to live in the world. That is me. I likemaking friends. I hope I can be your friends.








热门标签: 自我介绍 英语






作为一名村党支部书记,我们要始终牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨。积极加强廉政建设,清清白白做人,干干净净做事。以下是本站分享的村党支部书记述职报告范文,希望能帮助到大家!  村党支部书记述职报告  敬的各位领导、同志们:  大家好!  本人自担任村支部书记以来,在乡党委、政府的正确领导下,在广大党员干部、村民的支持下,能积极发挥共产党员先锋模范作用,率先垂范,团结带领全村群众,紧紧围绕群众路线教育实



  2023最新领导干部述职述廉报告怎么写呢?以下本站小编为大家收集整理的2023最新领导干部述职述廉报告的全部内容了,仅供参考,欢迎阅读参考!希望能够帮助到您。  2023最新领导干部述职述廉报告(一)  各位领导,同志们:  在即将过去的一年里,我在市局党组的正确领导下和同事的支持帮忙下,较好地完成了各项工作任务。现将一年来的思想、工作、作风、廉洁自律等方面的状况汇报如下,请大家评议。  一、



自查报告是单位或部门在一定时间内对工作执行中存在的问题进行自查的报告形式。 以下是为大家整理的关于2023年领导班子政治素质考察自查报告的文章9篇 ,欢迎品鉴!2023年领导班子政治素质考察自查报告篇1  根据支部计划,围绕机关作风建设,重点查摆个人在形式主义、官僚主义以及慵懒散慢方面存在的问题,看政治觉悟强不强、“四个意识”牢不牢、“四个自信”有没有、工作作风实不实、发挥作用好不好、自我要求严不



  在托幼园所、社会福利及其他保育机构中,从事儿童基本生活照料、保健、自理能力培养和辅助教育工作的人员。下面是i乐德范文网为大家带来的幼儿园保育员转正述职报告3篇,希望能帮助到大家!  幼儿园保育员转正述职报告1篇  一周的保育试用期生活在不知不觉中度过了,我觉得这一周过的很充实。尽管真的有些累,但累并快乐着。我很喜欢这样的感觉,我很感激学校和幼儿园给我们提供了这样一个学习的机会。同时,我  也很



  一、履职工作特色和亮点    1.坚持抓书记、书记抓,强化基层组织执行力。始终把落实基层党建责任放在心上、抓在手上、落实在行动上,把夯实党组织书记主责作为抓好党建工作的有效方法,全年主持召开党建专题会议×次,带头讲授党课×次,主持修订完善《党委委员党建联系点制度》《党建工作问责追责制度》等×项制度,对×名工作失职的村党支部书记进行免职,对×名履职不力的村党支部书记进行提醒约谈。在×月中旬组织开



