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我喜欢冰淇淋的范文英语 第一篇

My favorite food is different people like different food. Most children like ice cream, so my ice cream has many flavors, such as chocolate ice cream, strawberry ice cream, milk ice cream and so on. I like chocolate ice cream best because it is delicious.

I always eat it in summer. It makes me feel cool. My mother told me not to eat too much ice cream is bad for our health But I still like ice cream.



我喜欢冰淇淋的范文英语 第二篇

Different people like different food. Most children like ice cream, so do I. The ice cream has a lot of taste, such as chocolate ice Dream, strawberry ice cream ,milk ice cream and so on. I like the chocolate ice cream best. Because it's delicious. I always eat it in the summer. It made me feel cool. My mother tells me not to eat too much ice cream. It's not good for our health. But I still love ice cream.


我喜欢冰淇淋的范文英语 第三篇

When summer comes, there are two things I’d like to do most. The first is to go swimming and the second is to eat ice cream. Ice cream is my favorite food, It can make me feel cool and drives away my hotness. The flavor of strawberry always attracts me. I know I can’t eat it too much and have to control myself.


我喜欢冰淇淋的范文英语 第四篇

When summer comes, the two things I want to do most are to go swimming, the second thing is to eat ice cream. Ice cream is my favorite food. It can make me feel cool and drive away my heat.

The taste of strawberry always attracts me. I know I can't eat too much. I have to control myself.




我喜欢冰淇淋的范文英语 第五篇

Now, Ben and I like biscuits most when we go to the gas station. If I'm in a bad mood and really want to spoil myself with calories, I'll buy a vanilla biscuit sandwich from Nestle toll station. Of course, if I'm buying ice cream for my family, I'll pick up Ben and Jerry's American dessert dream (thank you, Stephen Colbert, because waffles are delicious, if I'm buying more than one thing, it's usually AI Dee, I prefer their seasonal ice cream Girl Scout Samoan Islands (or caramel dessert, depending on where you come from, or thin mint, or winter pumpkin pie, if I just want a snack, or if I'm going to buy it for grandma, I'll have pigeon ice cream on a stick with vanilla and chocolate on it.



标签: 新学期

我喜欢冰淇淋的范文英语 第六篇

Mary had an exciting week at the seaside, and then one day she had to go home, so the little girl went to the beach to say goodbye to her favorite donkey. She patted him on the back and said to her father that he was so funny. I think I'll buy him an ice cream.

I don't think Joey will eat ice cream, he said, but Mary thinks that when he comes, she will Joey bought a trumpet. Everyone was surprised to see a donkey eating corncobs. But the next day, how did he enjoy it? Joey stood in front of the ice cream man's cart and stuck out his tongue.

Although his coaxed him and was very happy, he would not move. Maybe he wanted another horn. Joey's owner bought a corncob and gave it to him Donkey, the donkey ate it happily.

Then, as good as gold, he gave the three little girls a lovely ride, but he was not very good to go back to the cart, and he didn't move a step. He wanted more and more ice cream, and if his didn't buy it for him, he would eat it. Anyway, he would stand by the ice cream man's cart on his own and stick his nose into the cream mixture.

It was cold, the nose and mouth were frozen, and the teeth were chattering. When Joey lay in the stable that night, he was a very unhappy donkey. He has a bad stomachache.

I must have eaten so many corncobs. As long as you don't live, I'll lament.













热门标签: 英语






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