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爱心组织的简介范文英语 第一篇

English club my family are very concerned about my foreign language education, they hope that I can learn English well, so that I can have a better future. In order to improve my English level, they send me to an English club. There are many people like me.

We talk in English and we share our opinions. I am very happy in the club and my English has been improved.



爱心组织的简介范文英语 第二篇

These incredible photos show an elephant tied to a chain, beaten and abused for 50 years. When he was released to , the elephant was caught and bound by its owner. After bleeding from the shackles, the elephant survived on the relief of passing tourists, but after years of torment, in a daring midnight operation by a wildlife charity, it was A wildlife charity was rescued.

On independence day, wildlife SOS in North London saved Raju from dying in prison. Every day, after learning about Raju's plight in India, the majestic animal is forced to reach out its trunk and beg for a few coins from passers-by - these coins can only survive on plastic and . Last week, however, a strong team of veterinarians and wildlife experts, consisting of forestry officials and six police officers, rescued Raju from suffering in Uttar Pradesh.

The mission was carried out under the cover of darkness. Since fewer and fewer people are going to carry out erous rescue and the animal can be protected from the heat of the sun, the court passed the confiscation procedure because Raju's owner did not have any legal documents to prove his property, which means that the charity can save him from suffering. It is not clear how Raju was trapped Raju has started a new medical assistance program to help Raju's family start a new medical assistance program, because little is known about his early years, but charities believe he stole it from his mother last weekend, when he was a calf.


这些令人难以置信的照片显示了一头大象被拴在铁链上,被和了xx年,当他被释放给自由时,大象被主人抓住并起来后,大象被钉上的脚镣流血,靠路过的游客的救济过活,但经过多年的折磨,在一个野生动物慈善机构的一次大胆的午夜行动中,它被一个野生动物慈善机构救了出来。在日这天,北伦敦的野生动物救助组织(wildlife SOS)出面救了拉朱,使他免于在狱中死去。每天得知拉朱在印度的困境后,这只雄伟的动物伸出树干乞讨为了从路人那里得到几枚硬币——这些硬币只能靠塑料和纸来维持生计。

然而,上周,一支由兽医和野生动物专家组成的慈善组织的强大团队,由林业部门的官员和六名组成,在印度北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)地区将拉朱从痛苦中解救出来。这次任务是在黑暗的掩护下进行的,由于进行危险救援的人会越来越少,而且这只动物可以免受烈日的灼热,因此法院通过了没收程序,因为Raju的主人没有任何合法文件来证明他的财产,这意味着慈善机构可以将他从痛苦中救出来,目前还不清楚Raju是如何陷入困境的,由于人们对他早年的情况知之甚少,但慈善机构认为他是在上周末从母亲那里偷来的,当时他还是一头小牛,Raju现在已经开始了一项新的医疗救助计划,以帮助Raju的家庭开始一场新的医疗救助活动。


爱心组织的简介范文英语 第三篇

There are more and more charitable organizations around the world, which means that today's world is more and more like a big society. Although there are still wars around the world, people in other parts of the world are becoming more and more civilized. People's love is more extensive than before, so that they care about the difficulties of people in other parts of the world, whenever and wherever, as long as there is a disaster in need of help, developed countries But what about China? Because China has become the world's second largest economy, Chinese people are richer than before.

Unfortunately, they have set up charities like the rest of the world. The management of these Chinese charities is very poor, and their operation is not as good as that of the western world After the recent scandals of these charities, things get worse. But should the Chinese do this? Stop their donations together.

No, we can't let one or two cases stop us from doing the right thing. The outside people are still In the call for help, philanthropy should continue at all costs, no matter what, don't just stand there and offer your help.



爱心组织的简介范文英语 第四篇

Charity brings the society power, arouses people’s enthusiasm for life, and help others to overcome difficulties. However, after several scandals, it has become a trend for the public to criticize and doubt charity organizations or individuals. A case in point is China Red Cross, whose fame was spoiled by Guo Meimei.

It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. In the first place, the disordered charity management is the root cause of criticism. Why? Charity organizations in mounting/ large numbers have not come to realize the problems in their management, budget and raising money. In the second place, the lack of public’s trust constitutes another major cause. Based on a survey on the Internet, because of some negative cases, a majority of people admit that they are unwilling to donate or help others through charitable activities or organizations.

As a college student, I am firmly convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for the public to be involved in charity. However, we should advocate and encourage organizations to reform charitable activities.

爱心组织的简介范文英语 第五篇

Now many countries are doing philanthropy. For example, Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, has donated billions of dollars to Africa and other poor areas. China has also invested a lot of money to build schools and community facilities in poor areas.

There are many charities in China, the most famous of which is _charity_. Discovery was founded by Jet Li. But last year, it was found out that it went bankrupt and was short of money: few and few people are willing to donate money to charity because they are not rich.

At least Chinese people are not good at doing good deeds.










热门标签: 爱心 组织 英语






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