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咨询的英语作文范文高中 第一篇



A letter of Inquiry

You wish to study at a certain foreign university. Write a letter inquiring about the situation there as regards accommodation, fees and qualifications.

Dear Sir

I am a Chinese citizen who wishes to study at your university. My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.

First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a master‘s degree from a university here in China, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements. Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self C supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students. Third, what is the situation as regards accommodation? I would prefer a single room, which is more conducive to studying, but if single rooms are expensive, I would be willing to share.

I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

咨询的英语作文范文高中 第二篇

Dear Mr. / MS, I am writing this email to ask whether your company has an agent in China. We are willing to cooperate with you and become your friend.

Please tell us whether we have this honor. We are looking forward to your latest wish, XXX.



咨询的英语作文范文高中 第三篇


I’m interested in … Could you provide me with more details?

I would be very grateful to you if you let me know…

I would appreciate very much if you can provide me with more details about…

I have learned from…that you will…I just want to know specifically about…

I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding/concerning…


Could you please tell me something about your …?

Would you please send me all the information and the forms as soon as possible? Thank you very much.

I would be much obliged(感激) if you let me know the procedures I have to go through.


I am expecting your early reply/ your immediate response.

Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your consideration.

咨询的英语作文范文高中 第四篇

Dear x,

I am extremely pleased to hear from you./ to see your advertisement for the position in .... And I would like to write a letter to tell you that.../ I am confident that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising..../ I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed. On the one hand, .... On the other hand, .... I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference.

I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience.

Best regards for your health and success.

Yours sincerely,

咨询的英语作文范文高中 第五篇

Dear Mercy, 亲爱的梅斯, How is everything going! Last time you said you are anxious now because you find it hard to learn English well. Dont worry. I think you have to improve your English step by step. And I will right behind you. In my view, you should develop you interest on English first. According to my experience, I think watching English movie, listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in English on the Internet would be helpful. Secondly, you have to prepare lessons before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the class. I know you feel bored in the class, but you have force yourself to be concentrated. A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn English. The left steps I will tell next time. By the way, we have not seen each other since your family move to Hunan a year ago. Have you ever thought about going back to visit me and learn English together in the coming Summer vacation. Looking forward to your reply. 过得可好。






期待你的回复。 Best wishes, Li 丽 书信的英语作文带翻译篇二 Dear Robert, 亲爱的罗伯特: Im glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation. 我很高兴收到你的来信。





John 约翰 书信的英语作文带翻译篇三 Dear Lucy, I am so glad to receive your letter and happy to know that you have a pleasant holiday. Please send my sincere wishes to your parents. I have a happy holiday just like you do. This holiday, I visited to Guangzhou with my parents. Guangzhou, also known as the Flower City, there are many flowers along the both sides of streets. Its very beautiful. Besides, the environment is clean and the climate is comfortable. There are many skyscrapers in Guangzhou, especially in the downtown. We visited to many tourist attractions. They are all worth visiting. I hope you can visit there personally one day. You must like it. Best wishes. Sincerely yours, Alva 亲爱的露西: 很高兴收到的你来信,并得知你度过了一个愉快的假期。请代我向你的父母送上最真诚的祝福。




希望你有一天能亲自去看看,你一定会喜欢那里的。 此致 敬礼 艾娃。

咨询的英语作文范文高中 第六篇

~亲~ 别着急~ 有的是~1、推荐信 Dear Brown, It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company. Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. During the four yearsstudy he has done a good job. Every year he got the first grade scholarship. And he also has got the title of the Excellent Graduate. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your company. I strongly recommend him to your company. Yours, Wang Lin 亲爱的布朗: 我很高兴推荐我的好朋友李明在您的公司工作。





您的朋友 王林 Dear Brown, I am very glad to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for a job in yourcompany. He is a graduate from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. In the past four years he has got the first grade scholarship for four times. And this year he got the title of the Excellent Graduate. He not only studies well but also has great capacity. He is good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I think that he has great potentialities. If he can join the company, he will be able to give full play to his talent. And your company will also be greatly benefited. I strongly recommend Li Ming to your company. Yours, Wang Lin 亲爱的布朗, 我很高兴推荐我的好朋友李明在您的公司工作。李明是北京工业大学的一名毕业生。




您的朋友 王林 2、求职信 2、求职信 Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. Whats more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Li Min 亲爱的先生或女士: 我从一则广告上得知你们公司需要秘书。我希望您考虑一下我。


咨询的英语作文范文高中 第七篇

Dear Ken,

I have heard that you want to sell your Walkman. I’m interested in it and I would be very grateful if you can provide me with some details about it.

For example, what’s its brand? How long have you used it? Does it have the function of recording? If the Walkman is seventy percent new and with the function of recording, I’d like to offer 200 Yuan for it. What’s your idea?

I hope you can call me at 123456 as soon as possible. I’m looking forward to your call. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming








热门标签: 英语






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