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广告范文英语作文初一 第一篇

Clothing shop we have heard of a clothing store that we are very familiar with. This is the amount of clothes you sew. I have a dream to open my own clothing store in the future with complete equipment and comfortable environment.

It is not very high for people. It is not only for producing clothes, but also for people. My one idea is that I want everyone not to show what they have through their own clothes Some of them are confident, have a happy life and spend every day happily.

In order to change clothes from another angle, I am confident that I will succeed. I will change the meaning of clothes, but to reflect all the beauty, I have to come to my clothing store. My clothing store sells a lot of good and cheap clothes.

A pair of shoes is only 40 dollars. There are three different colors, including white, blue and yellow, and many different clothes There are black, green and red clothes. The price of a dress is ten dollars, red, while the yellow sweater is 15 dollars, and the white shirt is 10 dollars.

Different hats, including black, red and white, are sold for 6 dollars. We sell bags for 50 dollars and glasses for 20 dollars. Why are you waiting to shop here.



广告范文英语作文初一 第二篇

This morning, our class held a charity sale on the school playground. We prepared a lot of things we made by ourselves in our spare time, such as kites, model airplanes and so on. They look very beautiful.

At the beginning of the activity, many students and teachers came to participate. It was very smooth and the result was worthwhile. Our efforts exceeded ¥.

Finally, we gave money to project hope to help poor children buy Stationery. I am proud of all we have done. If everyone contributes to charity, the world will become better¥.



广告范文英语作文初一 第三篇

Welcome to the times clothing store. Our clothes are on sale. You like shorts.

We have black and blue shorts for $only. Look at the red, yellow and green T-shirts. They are very cheap.

They are only $per girl. We have pink, white and blue skirts for $we also have black and Brown bags. The prices are very good.

Only $anyone can afford our prices , at the times clothing store.



广告范文英语作文初一 第四篇

Come to Mary's clothing store and buy your clothes. We have a lot of good things. The price is very good.

You need T-shirts. We have T-shirts of various colors. We only sell them for $8.

We have red skirts. We have blue pants for boys. We have socks.

We sell for $1 each pair. Come and have a look at Mary's.




广告范文英语作文初一 第五篇

Nowadays, more and more advertisements appear in newss, radio, magazines and people on the street have different views on advertisements. Some people think that advertising can help people have a wider range of choices and help consumers better understand the goods and merchants. Consumers can not only obtain commodity knowledge, but also enjoy art.

Many people think that advertising is very unpleasant. Consumers are often deceived by false advertisements, in which consumers always waste a lot of time. What's more, consumers hate to be interrupted when they watch TV dramas, so advertising should be limited, but whether you like it or not, advertising has become a part of our life.




广告范文英语作文初一 第六篇

Once my teacher said: you are not sewing, you are a stylist, you will never forget that what you should show people is your thoughts, not crafts. I will put my personality and my interests and abilities into my study. In this process, I will combine learning with doing.

If I can realize this future, I think I really grow up, I believe in family affection, good friendship and Love will become perfect and happy in the future.



广告范文英语作文初一 第七篇

When I found the banana, it was a bruised, yellow, rotten banana sitting shamefully on the top of a beautiful crystal bowl filled with the colorful berry wood of cherry trees, especially black cherry coconut. The edible white meat is coconut, which is often chopped and used for cakes and curries. Any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Pennisetum having small orange colored edible fruit with a thick sweet rind and sour flesh.

Large evergreen tropical tree of mango, cultivated for its large oval smooth rind. A large rectangular or round muskmelon widely cultivated in the tropics, having a large, fleshy, edible fruit with a tuft of hard leaves at the end. It has a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish flesh pomegranate shrub or small tree native to southwest Asia with large red knobby fruit, strawberry, any of various low growing perennial herbs The fruit is small and edible.

Achenes are scattered on the suce of the enlarged red berries.




广告范文英语作文初一 第八篇

There is a shopping center in the name of Star Shopping Center nearby. There are 6 shopping centers in total. There are many shops, such as restaurants, fast food shops, home appliances stores, bookstores, clothing stores, shoe stores, sports goods stores, etc.

the shopping centers are open in the morning and closed in the evening: a large number of customers come every day.



广告范文英语作文初一 第九篇

Linghua clothing store is on sale to buy your clothes. Do you like pants? We have good pants, only 7 dollars. You like sweaters.

We have sweaters. The price is only 5 dollars. You need sports bags.

We have big bags. Girls only sell US $we have red, green and white skirts. Boys only have 5 dollars.

You can buy socks for only one dollar. Anyone can afford us Price, see for yourself in Linghua clothing store.










热门标签: 广告 英语 范文






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挥手自兹去萧萧班马鸣的意思_挥手自兹去 萧萧班马鸣 李白《送友人》及赏析

李白的诗富于自我表现的主观抒情 色彩十分浓烈,感情的表达具有一种排山倒海、一泻千里的气势。李白诗中常将想象、夸张、比喻、拟人等手法综合运用,从而造成神奇异彩、瑰丽动人的意境,这就是李白的浪漫主义诗作给人以豪迈奔放、飘逸若仙的原因所在。李白的诗具有“笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神”的艺术魅力,这也是他的诗歌中最鲜明的艺术特色。下面是本站为大家带来的李白《送友人》及赏析,欢迎大家阅读。送友人唐代:李白青山横北

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《钱学森》是由西部电影集团有限公司与中国人民解放军总装备部电视艺术中心于2023年3月2日发行的一部人物传记电影。由张建亚执导,陈坤、张雨绮、张铁林联合主演。本站精心为大家整理了钱学森观后感,希望对你有帮助。  钱学森观后感  “在他心里,国为重,家为轻,科学最重,名利最轻。五年归国路,十年两弹成。他是知识的宝藏,是科学的旗帜,是中华民族知识分子的典范。”观看完电影《钱学森》,我情不自禁地想起了钱

观后感2023-02-18 20:02:32