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马 妍 女,汉族,1976年3月出生,^v^党员,甘肃嘉峪关人,出生地甘肃嘉峪关,省委党校研究生学历,现任市雄关街道党工委委员、办事处副主任,拟任街道党工委副书记。

王华章 男,汉族,1972年10月出生,^v^党员,山东潍坊人,出生地青海西宁,省委党校研究生学历,现任市人力资源和社会保障局党组成员、市人才流动服务中心主任,拟任市政府工作部门副职。

你说的是大学专业英语四级考试吧 英语专业四级考试(TEM-4,Test for English Majors-Band 4),全称为全国高校英语专业四级考试。自1991年起由中国大陆教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专业学生。一年一次考试。

王建勋 男,汉族,1976年10月出生,^v^党员,甘肃会宁人,出生地甘肃会宁,大学学历,医学学士,现任市政府办公室信息技术科科长、一级主任科员,拟任市政府工作部门副处级领导职务(试用期一年),20_法语专四真题试卷。

王晓丰 女,汉族,1970年10月出生,^v^党员,甘肃通渭人,出生地甘肃通渭,省委党校大学学历,现任市商务局四级调研员,拟任市政府工作部门所属单位负责人(试用期一年)。

bring sb. to trial 对进行审判 (有“上法庭”之内涵)bring sb. to justice 把绳之以法 (逮捕并进行审判,使其受到惩罚/惩戒)通常在“对进行法办”这种意思上两者意思都有,我觉得可以通用。

王 敏 女,汉族,1979年9月出生,^v^党员,山东潍坊人,出生地甘肃嘉峪关,大学学历,法学学士,现任市人民检察院第一检察部副主任(正科级)、检察员、四级高级检察官,拟任市人民检察院内设机构负责人。

史建英 女,汉族,1980年10月出生,民革党员,甘肃酒泉人,出生地甘肃嘉峪关,省委党校研究生学历,现任钢城街道办事处公共管理办公室主任、一级主任科员,拟任市政府派出机构副职(试用期一年)。

付斌海 男,汉族,1970年8月出生,^v^党员,甘肃金塔人,出生地甘肃金塔,省委党校大专学历,现任市粮食和物资储备局业务科科长、一级主任科员,拟任市政府直属单位副职。

边海鹏 男,汉族,1972年8月出生,^v^党员,甘肃金塔人,出生地甘肃金塔,省委党校大专学历,现任市人力资源和社会保障局党组成员、副局长、三级调研员,拟任市政府工作部门所属单位负责人(试用期一年)。

朱自虎 男,汉族,1982年9月出生,^v^党员,甘肃临泽人,出生地甘肃临泽,20_法语专四真题,省委党校大学学历,现任市发展和改革委员会党组成员、副主任,拟任市政府工作部门正职。


刘 晅 女,汉族,1969年11月出生,^v^党员,甘肃酒泉人,出生地甘肃兰州,省委党校研究生学历,20_年英语四级真题及答案,现任市归国华侨侨眷联合会副主席(兼秘书长)、市委^v^部二级调研员,拟任市委工作部门副职。

^v^兰 女,汉族,20_四级英语考试真题,1974年10月出生,^v^党员,山东胶南人,出生地山东胶州,在职大学学历,现任市第一人民医院病理科主任(正高级职称),拟任正处级事业单位副职(试用期一年)。

刘应兰 女,藏族,1971年11月出生,无党派,甘肃天祝人,出生地甘肃天祝,大学学历,文学学士,现任市郊区工作办公室副主任,拟任市政府工作部门正职。

刘 锐 男,汉族,1978年6月出生,^v^党员,甘肃临洮人,出生地甘肃嘉峪关,大学学历,理学学士,现任市委办公室副主任,拟任市委副秘书长。

江玉花 女,蒙古族,1979年6月出生,^v^党员,甘肃肃北人,出生地甘肃肃北,在职大学学历,现任市钢城街道党工委副书记,拟任市委工作部门副职。

苏兴平 男,汉族,1972年9月出生,^v^党员,甘肃古浪人,出生地甘肃古浪,在职大学学历,现任市中医医院骨科主任(副高级职称),拟任正处级事业单位副职(试用期一年)。


Students' mental health has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Indeed, it is widely accepted that it has gained growing popularity among persons in all walks of life. There is a general discussion today about the issue of disorder in brains.

Obviously, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent problems. Authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation. To begin with, schools, such as colleges or universities, can provide chances for the young men to ease their attention. What's more, some are physically strong, but psychological problems are able to bring potential threats. Teaches may have a chance to find them in advance. Besides, specialists in this field are to be required to make full preparation for cases in time. Facing the crisis, experts can deal with it in a professional way, which means they have more or better opportunities to save us than others. (学校)

From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions. For example, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure. Certainly, there is little doubt that further attention will be paid to the issue.


Should private car owners be taxed for pollution?私家车主是否应交污染税?

With the development of society, many people can afford a car. As the number of the cars is rising, we are facing some problems. One big problem is the pollution caused by the use of cars. In order to solve this problem, government agencies in some big cities recently suggest that a “pollution tax” should be put on private cars in order to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city. For my part, I agree to this viewpoint, and my reasons are as follows:

To begin with, cars contribute to the environmental pollution. For example, a lot of big cities in China are now plagued by serious air pollution. Then it is the responsibility of these private car owners to pay for the pollution and they should be taxed. The purpose of collecting environmental pollution tax is to raise the fund, and then utilize the tax revenue lever to protect our environment.

Secondly, it is a good way to raise people’s environmental awareness by putting a pollution tax on private cars. If people suffer from the financial loss when making a decision, they will think more about their decision. Then they will consider more when deciding to buy a private car. Consequently, the increase rate of the number of the private cars can be controlled.

In a word, it is a very good and necessary attempt to use the means of taxation to treat the pollution. Of course, it must be kept in mind that all people, including the private car owners, should try their best to protect the environment.











手机的利与弊(Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone)

Nowadays,with the rapid development of it and information industry, cell phones play a dominant role in towns peoples life. But, like everything else, they have both favorable and mffavorahle , its useful. As a wireless mobile telephone, its easy and handy to early to wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates peoples life. Second, its convenient. Whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can nmke a call immediately. Most important of all, its a very helpful companion. With a multirfunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the net, browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce and doing whatever one can do via internet.

However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages. To begin with, its expensive to buy and costly to pay the hills, esp. That of global service. To make matters worse, its also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. Worst of all,its not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available. Last but not least, its alleged the microwaves in it might do harm to peoples health. In my opinion,with its expenses greatly reduced after chinas entry into the wto, it will face an ever brighter future in its development. Someday most of them will be developed into new intemet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers. And i believe its advantages will not only offset its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.








热门标签: 法语 题目






今天是万圣节,我们班举行了一次万圣节班队课。在开始之前,我兴奋极了。因为我最怕班队课被改成一些我不喜欢的课了。  万圣节班队课终于开始了!我们先了解了一些万圣节知识,知道了万圣节的由来:源自古代凯尔特民族,万圣节的真正日期:11月1日和万圣节的一些传统习俗

300字作文2023-05-26 11:05:22



800字作文2023-05-26 11:05:10


万圣节是纪念所有圣徒的节日,亦称“诸圣瞻礼”或“诸圣日”。以下是i乐德范文网为大家带来的参加万圣节活动的作文350字,欢迎大家阅读。  今天早上爸爸叫了我一声“赶快起床了”,我就轱辘一下爬了起来。平时我假装听不见不动弹赖床,妈妈很生气。我和妈妈收拾好东西就

300字作文2023-05-26 11:05:21



小学作文2023-05-26 11:05:09



300字作文2023-05-26 11:05:35


万圣节是纪念所有圣徒的节日,亦称“诸圣瞻礼”或“诸圣日”。以下是i乐德范文网为大家带来的万圣节的一天作文200字,欢迎大家阅读。  今天是万圣节,爸爸妈妈带我来到广场上,这里正在举行“万圣节魔法学校”的活动,活动分为六个项目:有魔法小画家、魔法小巫师、魔法

300字作文2023-05-26 11:05:34