
更新时间:2023-10-22 20:58:44 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx










Childhood is a charming painting, outlining how many moving and interesting stories I have; childhood is a melodious melody, singing how many pure and beautiful fantasies I have; childhood is a bunch of gorgeous jasmine, the laughter of childhood is like the intoxicating fragrance of jasmine, and the pure white petals are like memories.


I remember when I was a child, my mother and I lived in grandmas house. When spring comes, the fields are a green ocean. The wind blows like the waves on the sea. The scenery is really memorable! My mother and I went to the fields with kites. At the beginning of flying kites, mother-in-law of the wind made a great wind. I had to fly my own kites. My kite, flying and flying, flew to the wire. My mother and I spent nine cows and two tigers to take the kite down. Im a man who cant accept the loss. I started to put it again, thinking to myself, as long as Im not close to the power line, what else can go wrong? Just thinking, a gust of wind blew, kite line broke, I sat on the ground crying.


How interesting things are in childhood!


寒假的时候,我提议和爸爸妈妈一起去杭州游西湖,再去苏州吃王品牛排。爸爸妈妈欣然答应了,我们一家三口准备了点干粮就开开心心地出发了。 一路上,我们有说有笑,其乐无穷。而窗外的风景也很漂亮,如茵的大片绿草上,星星点点的布满了五颜六色的小花儿,像一张绿毯子上绣着一朵朵小巧玲珑的花儿,美丽极了。再极目远眺,柳丝在湖水中漂荡,像少女在梳理自己的长发。 时间像一位长跑运动员。转眼间风景如画的西湖就展现在我们的面前,我飞快地跳下车,看见了许多东西。在西湖边有一张张排列整齐的橘黄色长凳,上面时而坐着一位位满头大汗的.游人,而在一条小路左右种着一棵棵挺拔苍翠的小树,它秩序井然的守卫在小路左右,像一个个士兵严肃的站在自己的岗位上。渐渐地,我们一个个都饿了,便去吃牛排了。

王品牛排到了,我迫不及待地冲下车,爸爸去停车,我快速奔到王品牛排门口,只见一位身着橘黄色和绿色相间衣服的老人正弯着腰,右手握着扫把,在他旁边还有一辆橘色手推车里面堆满了垃圾,老人一丝不苟地默默地扫地面,他是一位年龄偏大脸皱巴巴的,背驼得像座大山,这时一位小朋友从老人身边经过,随手把桔子皮扔在老人已经打扫干净的地方,老人见了,毫无怨言地转过身,认真打扫起来。 不一会儿,一阵大风吹来,把老人吹得东倒西歪,但是他并没有去屋子下避风,而是在打扫。 我万分感慨的对爸爸说:“爸爸,我觉得刚才那个清洁工**年纪,还不怕吃苦,不计个人得失.__对”。爸爸说。 吃完牛排,我想:_我们应该保护环境,不乱丢果皮纸屑,这样,才能有一个美丽的家园,同时,应该尊重老人,更要尊重他人的劳动成果。


On Sunday night, something happened that impressed me deeply.

After I finished my homework, I went to take a bath happily. Finally, I finished my homework and finished reciting my books. I was in a very good mood!

When I opened the shower, I sang happily. The more I sang, the happier I was. I couldn't help dancing. Suddenly, I slipped and fell. I tried to catch something and want to stand up, but I found my head very painful, very painful

Grandma came immediately when she heard the sound. Grandma was startled by my appearance and shouted: Wang Zechuan fell down, come on! Grandma and mom have been covering my head. I don't know what happened. Ask loudly: what's the matter with me? What's the matter with me? But no one answered me. Mom and grandma covered the wound on my head. Dad was looking for hemostatic. Grandpa wiped the water stains on me with a towel. Only then did I know that I had shed a lot of blood. I was very flustered and scared. I just wanted to hold my mother.

The blood stopped gradually. After grandma examined my wound, the whole family sent me to the 17th metallurgical hospital for dressing. I cried out in fear. The doctor uncle said I didn't look like a man. At this time, who wants to be a man? I'm painful and afraid!

I remember that I was pressed on the operating table by my grandparents and couldn't move. Does this still love my grandparents? The baby has a hard time! Pain in the head! After a while, the doctor wrapped gauze around the wound on his head. I look at myself in the mirror like a little wounded man walking down the battlefield. How can I see people tomorrow!

During the injection, my mother told me that I had four stitches on my head. I know I'm wrong. I'll never make trouble in the shower again. It's too dangerous! I also hope other children don't like me.


Last year, I go to Beijing with my parents. We go to the Great Wall and visit we visit the famous Forbidden are the prettiest buildings I have ever there is so hot ,we could , we buy many drinks and ice-creams,We are play have fun very much and very much!



难忘的事英语作文100字 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读

难忘的事英语作文100字 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——我最难忘的事作文100字 (菁选2篇)


Today was the first day of our military sharp whistle woke us up in the early morning.

We were dressed in a hurry and rushed to the playground quickly.

When we lined up,there came a soldier who said that he would be in charge of our training.

He was strict with kept us training almost for all day.

After that,we were all think I will never forget it.



In the treasure house of my childhood life, there are many memories of various activities, which are like luminous pearls strung into a string of dazzling necklaces, forming my colorful childhood life.


I remember when I was five years old, I overheard my father and my sister talking and saying, _Whoever has more ink in his stomach will have knowledge._


One day, my father was not at home. I sneaked into my father's study, picked up a bottle of ink, unscrewed the lid and smelled it. I thought to myself, _this ink smells terrible. How can I drink it?_? I took a sip with the tip of my tongue. WOW! It's bitter and astringent. I had a brainstorm. I took white sugar from the kitchen, put a spoonful of sugar into the ink, stirred it, and licked it. It was still so astringent. I couldn't help it. In order to become a learned person, I had to hold my nose and drink it. I cried happily, _at last I have knowledge._


This call attracted my mother, who came to have a look and asked in surprise, _what's on your mouth?_ I said excitedly, _it's ink!_ _What ink do you have to drink, boy?_ Angry mother while nagging to get towels for me to wipe mouth. _Dad said that whoever has more ink in his stomach has culture._ Mother said with a smile, _silly boy, ink can't be drunk. What father said is knowledge._ After listening to my mother, I smiled sheepishly.


My childhood story is interesting!


There is one thing I still remember is the first day I went to the zoo.

When I was only five years old my mother took me there. I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day. But on my way home I began to feel sorry for them. They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature. They must have felt lonely I thought. Every day the only thing they could do was to sit there and wait for food.


A lot of things happened in my childhood, like a water flow, a little bit. Some sad things have been gradually forgotten over time. Some happy things make people always remember in my heart.

In the childhood memory saved in my mind, there is such a particular interesting thing. That is when I am five years old, one day, my mother actually let me buy a pound of small onions, and gave me two yuan to buy onions. I quickly came to the vegetable market, left, right, finally found the u0026 ldquo to buy in a booth; small onion I pointed to small onion ask a million asked: how much is this kind of food? She saw that I am a child, first, I will stare at me for a while, and I will say: one piece of five kilograms, five dollars five pounds. Why, do you want to buy a dish? her voice with obvious doubts and surprised, it seems that I am not coming to buy vegetables, but to trouble. I saw her and said: I am coming to buy vegetables. Give me a pound. I learned my mother to buy food. She quickly called a pound and handed it to me. After we pay one hand, let me ran home.

After home, I will give my mother to my mother. Who knows that my mother will ask me: What is your buy? I said: small onion, because the small onion has a spicy flavor. Mom laughed after listening, said: his is garlic seedlings, not onion.

This thing is now thinking about it. I also understand the truth to do things.


The success of a person, often is the symbol of victory; successful, allowing a person to fail when light up the hope of a lamp; success, is a way to encourage; in real life, success means one thing for a happy ending!

In each case the results, both success and failure. To tell the truth, in my mind, success is for me a lamp life in the future. From small to large, my life, light up many successful lamp. Especially at that time, the light bright lights lighting will be my life!

In June 24, 20_, I and my mother and sister to go to the public square for a walk, when walking. From our place to play go out, see some people dancing in a side, do not know what to look for in. My heart s doubts, staring at. My mother seemed to see my thoughts, he said to me:_ go, Phoebe. We went to have a look to see what they are reading._ I heard the word, immediately ran up, a look, oh, turns out to be some people in the skating; but there are still some children. Look oh, here is in a group called children skating. Soon, mom and sister also came to see. Mother looked at for a while, ask where Aunt some publicity, so help me there were reported, as here let me learn to skate.

First, Im wearing skates, as said the coach yourself to look feel. So, I took the side of the rope, one step at a time, with great care to go forward. Then. Wang came, took me, without ropes help, slide alone. Coach Wang step, I with a step, like that, it was really like a small baby toddler. Later, Wang let me alone to practice, I have a man around the rope, a circle. Every time I did not walk a few steps, he almost fell, each fell particularly painful. I was discouraged when, I suddenly remembered a classic song_ no experience of wind and rain, how can see the rainbow_. I immediately become strong, continued to slide, slide, slide, I finally would be a little. I am happy really want to jump three feet, alas, skates is too heavy, I wouldn t jump ... ...

Since then, I have to go back to practice skating. Finally, nothing is impossible to a willing heart, I was skating speed can be up to the coach, but ah, also some skating tricks!

Is ah! Do not experience wind and rain, how can see the rainbow? That is when I realized a truth, do you? It will light up my future life!



Childhood, like an endless stream, slowly flowing in my heart. In this stream, there are both laughter and tears, but the deepest thing I remember is a silly thing I did in my childhood.


That was when I was four. One morning, grandma was cooking in the kitchen. She found that there was no salt. She was at a loss. Why? Because I'm the only one left at home. If she goes out by herself and leaves me alone at home, what will happen? So I feel uneasy. At this time, I saw through grandma's difficulties and volunteered to Grandma: _I will help you to buy salt back._ _You?_ Grandma looked at me doubtfully. _Yes! I've been there several times! _ (I haven't actually been) grandma nodded helplessly.


Soon, I bought salt from the canteen. I was very happy that I could work for adults. I stepped on the banana skin on the ground. I fell suddenly, the salt bag fell on the ground and broke, and the white salt was all over the ground. I immediately panicked and thought: the salt fell on the ground and got dirty, so I need to tell Grandma the bad news as soon as possible.


Just came to the gate of the yard, I saw Grandma Wang next door washing rice. I suddenly had an idea, thinking: since rice can be washed with water, then salt can be washed. Thinking of this, I immediately borrowed a basin from Grandma Wang. Come to the street and put the salt into the water basin and run to the faucet of the courtyard.


The water soon filled the basin. I shook the basin vigorously, and then put my hand in to stir it. Who knows that the basin is empty, I am very panicked, and I can't care about the basin, so I immediately run to home.


When I got home, I told grandma the story. Before she finished, Grandma had already burst out laughing. She touched my head and said with a smile: _silly child, salt is not as clean as rice. It dissolves in water._ Then he laughed again.


From this, I learned a truth: think twice before you do anything.


In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friend's home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!





Is there any iron in spinach


My childhood is a colorful flower. It records the interesting stories of my childhood. I will share them with my friends when I am happy.


I remember one day during the summer vacation, my mother saw that I didn't like spinach, so she said to me, _let's eat spinach. It's good for you because it contains iron._ Love to ask the bottom of my mind: eh? How can the science teacher tell me this little knowledge? I must find out!


Mom finally bought spinach, and I ran to the bedroom to find a magnet, thinking: ha ha, I can finally complete a scientific experiment like a scientist! I'm so excited. I jumped into the kitchen. I took the magnet and sucked it on the spinach for a while, but the spinach was still there like a soldier. However, the iron pot on one side rang for miles.


My childhood is a myriad of small notes, they sing beautiful songs in my mind.


There is one thing I still remember is the first day I went to the zoo.

When I was only five years old my mother took me there. I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day. But on my way home I began to feel sorry for them. They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature. They must have felt lonely I thought. Every day the only thing they could do was to sit there and wait for food.












难忘的事英语作文100字 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——我难忘的一件事100字作文 (菁选2篇)


May 18th,Wednesday, Sunny

After school this afternoon, on my way home I met two American friends who lost their way. They forgot the way to the hotel where they stayed. As I knew where the hotel was, I decided to take them there. On the road, we talked a lot. I told them about the great changes in the city,such as the wider road, the more convenient transportation, the fresher air and so on. I also introduced that now Chinese students neednt spend most of their time on textbooks any more, because they didnt have as much homework as before. In their spare time, they could choose whatever they like to learn. The American friends told me something about the American youth as well.

It was late when I got home, but I was very happy. Because I not only helped American friends, but also realized the importance of learning a foreign language well.

5月18日 星期三 睛




It is well known that university is greatly different from high school mainly due to that university will hold a large number of activities which benefits college students a lot. From my perspective the most beneficial one is “Long-distance Running for Love” organized by the Students union when I am a freshman. The money collected by this activity is contributed to Project Hope.

It is really my honor to participate the long running because it benefits me greatly not only in body but also in mind. To begin with the activity reminds me of the great importance of physical health. Before I go to college I only focus on academic achievements while the physical health misses my attention. But the long-running tells me in time that a sound mind lies in a sound body. Additionally during my participation in this activity I am informed well that there are still many children in rural areas who have to drop out of school because of impoverished families. Thus for one thing I fully realize the great importance of helping them fulfill their dreams. For another thing I cherish the opportunity to study in university more for when compared with those children in poverty-stricken areas we should harbor a grateful heart.

By and large although I have taken part in many campus activities I deem the long running for love most beneficial to me. And I am looking forward to that more wonderful and meaningful activities will be held in our campus.


I’d lik to tll you somthing about my childhood. Whn I was six yars old, I was a lovly girl!

On day, my fathr saw som fish in th rivr, so h askd m, “Why can fish only liv in watr?” I thought about it, thn I gav him th answr, “Bcaus thr ar som cats on th bank.” My fathr laughd whn h hard that. Thn h said, “You ar smart!” I was happy to har that.

Mayb you will say, “It’s a funny answr.” Now, I think, it is vry intrsting. And now I am smart. My parnts lov m vry much. I am so happy to hav that childhood.







My dad bought a computer when I was five years old. I could draw pictures and listen to music on it.

But once, the computer was down suddenly.

My dad told me that it might be attacked by computer virus.

I was so scared that I asked dad anxiously, _Did it get a flu? Did it need some medicine?_ But dad laughed and said smilingly, _Don't be silly, son.

No medicine can cure a computer virus. It's a problem of program._ I didn't understand what my dad said at that time.

But I made up my mind to study hard and to be a computer expert in the future.






I was born in an ordinary family, but the love my parents gave me made me feel that I was the happiest girl in the world. Before I went to middle school, my parents decided to let me live in the hometown, where I spent the good time. I was surrounded by green trees and clean water. Every day, I would play funny games with my friends. When I went to middle school, I left hometown and moved to the city to live with my parents. I needed to focus my attention to study. Every night, my father would check my homework and if I had questions, he would help me to solve them. My mother always made delicious dessert for us. When I finished homework, we ate them together and talked happily. I had the good time of my childhood.



My childhood, it is a song with a happy mood, a record of my childhood fun, big and small. Remember once, my mother to sleep on the sofa, 3 years old I sit on the floor playing with blocks, three feet saliva down, and I am also helping to put on a pair of, silly smile. Suddenly, I saw a like rabbit ears two iron piece, and put on a small black ball. I take this black things, bare little feet _kipper, snapped,_ ran the sofa over there. Then I _ride_ on mom, picked up the iron went to mother in the nostrils, mother was I woke, see this stupid idea, I will understand. Mom smiled and took me, I gladly run. Mother catch up with me, a picked up said to me: _kid, don't always think of some way to deal with me!_ I jumped out of his mother's arms and ran away. This is my childhood story, remember now, I feel funny.

我的童年,是一首带着欢乐调子的歌曲,记录着我童年大大小小的趣事。 记得有一次,妈妈在沙发上睡觉,3岁的我自己坐在地上玩积木,口水垂下三尺,我也顾不上抹一把,傻呵呵地笑着。突然,我看到一个好似兔耳朵的两个铁皮儿片儿,插在一个黑色的小圆球上。我拿着这黑东西,光着小脚丫“吧嗒、吧嗒”地往沙发那边跑。 然后,我“骑”在妈妈身上,拿起铁片就往妈妈鼻孔里插,妈妈被我弄醒了,瞧见我这副傻样儿,就明白了。妈妈笑着拍了我一下,我乐呵呵地跑了。妈妈追上我,一把抱起我说:“小鬼,别总是想办法对付我了!”我跳出妈妈的怀抱,跑了。 这就是我的童年趣事,现在回忆起来,就觉得可笑。


Everyone‘s childhood has many stories. The stories of childhood are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Today, when I went home to open the door, I thought of an interesting story. I forgot the day, but I didn’t move at that time.

One day, I went home with Cao Zhenqing. I‘m used to taking the key off my neck and opening the door. “Eh? Where’s my key? What should be on the neck, isn‘t it in the pocket? ” I haven’t been in my pocket for a long time. Is it in the bag? I poured out all the things in my schoolbag again. I searched every corner carefully, but I didn‘t have any clue. This “baby” key can make me anxious. If I can’t enter the door before my mother comes back, I‘ll be finished.

When I think of my mother reading a “long talk”, my tears are like a fountain, “splashing” to the ’m in a hurry, but my baby key won‘t show thought about it. By the way, how can I forget such an important clue? Didn’t I just play in the front garden with Cao Zhenqing? Maybe it fell there. I‘d better find it I got to the garden, before I could breathe, I turned the garden upside down quickly. But I haven’t seen the trace of my precious get annoyed at the thought that my mother is going to publish her long speech again.

When I jumped up in a hurry, I felt something knocking on the back. I felt it was my precious key. It turned out that the key was still on my neck, but it was left this matter, I feel that I can‘t be careless in the future. I should be careful in everything I ’s childhood has many stories. The stories of childhood are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Today, when I went home to open the door, I thought of an interesting story. I forgot the day, but I didn‘t move at that time. (excellent composition website )One day, I went home with Cao Zhenqing. I’m used to taking the key off my neck and opening the door. “Eh? Where‘s my key? What should be on the neck, isn’t it in the pocket? ”

I haven‘t been in my pocket for a long time. Is it in the bag? I poured out all the things in my schoolbag again. I searched every corner carefully, but I didn’t have any clue. This “baby” key can make me anxious. If I can‘t enter the door before my mother comes back, I’ll be finished. When I think of my mother reading a “long talk”, my tears are like a fountain, “splashing” to the ‘m in a hurry, but my baby key won’t show thought about it. By the way, how can I forget such an important clue? Didn‘t I just play in the front garden with Cao Zhenqing? Maybe it fell there. I’d better find it I got to the garden, before I could breathe, I turned the garden upside down quickly. But I haven‘t seen the trace of my precious get annoyed at the thought that my mother is going to publish her long speech again. When I jumped up in a hurry, I felt something knocking on the back. I felt it was my precious key. It turned out that the key was still on my neck, but it was left behind.

Through this matter, I feel that I can’t be careless in the future. I should be careful in everything I do.









Life happens all kinds of things every day some things we may forgetbut there are some things you can not forget。


There is one thing I won’t forget forever. It is the birth of my little sister. Before she comes to the world I have imagined thousand times what she looks. In fact although I have guessed so many times I still couldn’t hit the point. I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle. But she just likes an angel. Seeing her I feel my heart get warm right away. I couldn’t forget the moment I saw her.



Life happens all kinds of things every day some things we may forgetbut there are some things you can not forget.

There is one thing I won’t forget forever. It is the birth of my little sister. Before she comes to the world I have imagined thousand times what she looks. In fact although I have guessed so many times I still couldn’t hit the point. I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle. But she just likes an angel. Seeing her I feel my heart get warm right away. I couldn’t forget the moment I saw her.


I think childhood is the happiest period in life, because there are few troubles and worries at that time. The only thing we worry about is our study. Therefore, it’s a time for fun and enjoyment. In my memory, my childhood was colorful and interesting. I was born in the countryside, and I didn’t have many toys, just like other kids in my hometown. But as a creative group, we could always make a lot of toys by ourselves, which need no money at all.


Everyone has an impressive thing, some happy, some sad, I also have.

_Unit one is ready to attack._ Said the younger brother scout.

_Pick up the mosquito swatter and look at the window immediately._ I said seriously. It turned out that my brother and I were fighting mosquitoes.

The first wave of mosquitoes have been crowded in one after another from the window account, and began to attack us with a lethal weapon - mosquito nose. We are not willing to fall behind. We picked up the mosquito swatter and used the _18 shots of subduing the dragon_. The mosquitoes had a lot of casualties. One of the leading mosquitoes saw something bad and had to use plan B - luring the tiger away from the mountain. They flew higher and higher while we didn't pay attention, and let the surviving _wounded_ escape from the window. Fortunately, his brother was quick eyed and quick at hand. He suddenly used Xiao Li's flying shoes and sent them to the West. They can only use plan C - to ask for support. After a minute, three big mosquitoes flew towards us together. As soon as we saw this scene, we also used Plan B - to do whatever we wanted. We took out the _chemical weapon_ - mosquito repellent incense, closed the window and door and waited outside the door.

Five minutes, eight minutes, ten minutes... Fifteen minutes later, the mosquitoes were already dying, dead like walking corpses. When we opened the door, the war was over. _Victory!_ My brother and I said in unison.

It has been three months since this interesting mosquito fight, but now I remember it clearly.


In the winter vacation,I experienced of many your sorrow,a new...In my memory,or the most profound about that.

My mother bought me a bike,in order to learning,I dropped several encouraged lift up the car and sat up,mother in front to help me hold steady bibcock,I stamped on the and I speak the edge of riding a bike three points:_first,not under the car,to see; the second,dont put ahead of him,so easy to tap wrestling,only in the obstacles and when it turned a little; third,the foot to keep on,cant stop._ I according to the mothers words to do it,after a while,mother let go,I unexpectedly his ride has been put the bike ride home,and I cant believe it,I learned to ride a bicycle.

This time I learned the same ability not only,more important is to understand the only unremitting,to succeed in truth.





Yesterday, I went to a region to buy train tickets. When I was about to leave, I saw a foreigner come in. I thought he could speak Chinese, but then I knew he met some troubles. He wanted to take a bus to Hongkong and all he has was a paper that time, bus destination and destination were written. The problem was that there were four bus station in Hongkong, the ticket seller did not know which one he was to go. Therefor, I decided to help him. He wanted to the downtown of Hongkong, but he did not know which bus destination is in the downtown. So I asked the ticket seller about the information of bus stations. And then the foreigner ask several questions about time, bus station and others. The ticket seller explained to me and then I translated for them. Finally, he got his ticket. He was so happy that I can help. So did I.


I’d like to tell you somet








热门标签: 英语







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昨天,我的英语班开了一次聚会,我邀请了尹菲和我放学一起去参加。  我们刚去到哪儿,看到那里有一堆各式各样的面具,有紫色的,有橙色的,有粉色的,有白色的……我们选 了自己喜欢的面具,英语老师就给我们戴上了,然后,我们就进了大教室。那里装饰得很配万圣节,老师们

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万圣节是纪念所有圣徒的节日,亦称“诸圣瞻礼”或“诸圣日”。以下是i乐德范文网为大家带来的万圣节英语作文两篇,欢迎大家阅读。  篇一   Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By traditi

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