
更新时间:2022-06-29 14:00:02 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

When we mentioned Zhangjiakou, my hometown, we were likely to think of Zhan Tianyou who was a Chinese famous railway engineer. He established the first self-build railway in China that was called Bejing-Zhang Jiakou Railway even women and children all know. The achievement of the railway added a brilliant page in the history of the Chinese industrial construction.

Virtually, Zhang Jiakou which was divided into six districts and twelve counties is a medium-size city located in the northwest of Hebei Province. So, the temperature in winter is freezing cold. Its temperature which is richly endowed by nature makes it possible to conduct a series of ice activities. Thus, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, also in my hometown which was greeted with” City of Ice and Snow". Besides, the position that borders with Inner Mongolia makes it have quite a few prairies. Riding horses is what we are used to doing.

For the majority of Chinese, their cognition of the cuisine of China northwest is just limited to Peking Duck and Roast lamb which have already been famous throughout the country. But honestly speaking, as an authentic native, I prefer oat noodle Honeycomb which we call it “Youmianwowo”. It comes from a kind of grain that originally grows in the north of North China Plain. When I come across this special dish in the restaurant, I always think of my grandma. She always makes this dish all by hand. She firstly rubs dough into slices. After that, she shapes them around the index finger, and then finally makes them stand up in the food steamer. It always reminded me of my homesick, especially when this dish was served with a rich, hearty mutton soup.

Zhang Jiakou, also known for a battle among ancestors of Chinese nation named Yan Emperor, Yellow Emperor and Chi You in Zhuolu, a county filled with the early Chinese civilization. In addition, one of the nine defensive cities along the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty was in Xuan Hua, Zhang Jiakou. So, it was named by "Great Wall Museum" as well, for it has the largest number of the Great Wall that is still existing. Therefore, Zhang Jiakou is a historic city that was the source of Chinese Nation. And in recent time, due to the special military geographical location, my hometown is the native place of many famous people, especially some heroes who were devoted to the Anti-Japanese War. Dong Cunrui was one of the heroes who applied himself to the liberation of our Chinese nation. All these impressive deeds remind our locals to learn their valuable spirit and their struggle for our peaceful life. But now, Jing-Jin-Ji Regional Cooperation has caught lots of talented characters and brought my hometown a great concept of development, and I'm sure that Zhang Jiakou will give us a new image with the significant culture and advanced technology, also the spirit of persist.

Finally, I will give out my sincere invitation, welcome here to experience its distinguishing features!








热门标签: 英语演讲稿






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