
更新时间:2023-10-03 16:35:37 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx








After entering college,we found, to our surprise,that differences between high school life and college life are high school,we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of difficult college,however,we have to rely exclusively on 's more, we have to learn how to get along with our classmates and roommates.

Four years at college is an important yet very short period of time in our it is always expected that we adapt to this life as quickly as it is a pity that not everyone can do so are some suggestions.

First,get familiar with the main buildings on the one or two hours by yourself or with your classmates to go around the campus so that you can know the location of such important places as the library,the dining room,the post office,the clinic and to be to do such things as making sound decisions on how to spend your time,how to spend your money etc,and washing clothes on your own.

Furthermore,form good study with your classmates and learn from their good , try to take part in all kinds of activities to get out of your solitude and get on well with your classmates.


I am sure the world every father and mother love their children,my father and mother is no exception,writing an unforgettable love me everywhere,there is one thing that makes me unforgettable.

It was a stormy night,I suddenly made a high fever,but also accompanied by mother a look,frightened,and quickly called my father immediately back with a four-year-old brother,he picked up an umbrella carrying me out that time has been very late,the road pedestrians and buses are very few,finally wait until a bus,but not crowded had to carry me,hold up the umbrella to the hospital to to the hospital,and I stumbled open eyes and found her mother head full of water mother in order not to let me rain,put the umbrella are to my side to at the look of anxious mom,my heart there is a kind of happiness can not tell.

After treatment,my high fever finally and Dad's face showing a and Dad,thank you for your meticulous care,I will be with excellent results to return to you!





One of my roommate often talk when he talked about all kinds of example,last night,I had a hard jod to fall read a novel to make my eyes feel I was concentrated to the story,I heard he said:_how much do you want?_ It sounds like he was arguing a price with somebody,I was very strange,so I asked:_ Are you awake?what are you talking about?_ there was not re*.

At that time,he begain to talk agin:_OK,OK._It was the first time I heart him talk,so I did afraid of that and unforgettable.




I think it may be true that people are nr satiied with what they have, they always want or something different fm them, which seems to be part of o humanity. Look at a toddler, give her a toy to play with, and she's happy until she sees something else, and then she wants another toy to play if she and her bther each have a cake Well, look whose biscuits are bigger and shells are ping loudly if she thinks Herbert is and , and the grass is always greener is an old expression, but it is a good expression that many of us have been working for better jobs, better living conditions, luxuous cars, or expensive clothes. Part of the psuit of better and better is becse we care about other people's ideas To impress them, part of it is to make oselves feel succesul, but there are also things in o nate that tell us that we can do better and reach a higher ll.

This is not always a negative quality. There is also a saying: if we don't try and different things, we will start to staate. This is a good thing Like a pool without fresh water, when we are not satiied with what we have, the pblem comes.

If we have a comfortable life and still feel as if there is something missing, then we need to look inward, and the missing things may be in o minds.




Sanjiang University definitely has a very negative aura, so the construction of the school is based on the eight diagrams. The students all wear amulets and things like that. Each floor has a bathroom.

There are three stalls at the southwest end of the eight shaped building. The students are separated by wooden walls for only one night. A boy is allowed to use the bathroom on the first floor while he is studying, while a boy is studying Suddenly he wanted to go to the bathroom, but all the stalls in the men's room on the first floor were occupied.

He rushed to the bathroom on the second floor and opened the door. He saw a woman with long hair in her clothes. White (I don't understand why all ghosts dressed like this) sat on the wall of the stall in the middle and looked like she was swinging from the ceiling.

The woman glanced at him and said, _what are you doing here? The boy thought at first that he had gone to the women's room and hurried out, but later he found out he didn't, and suddenly realized what he saw was afraid of death, and he ran for his life.

















In my mind there is a most memorable things,though it had so long time,but to this day,I still cant forget.

Remember that it was a rainy day,I go to school in the morning when the day did not have,so they also didnt take my umbrella,who knows to afternoon when school was over,it was already to do,I was alone in the classroom,at this time my good friend little red appear in my in front,is she put me back to didnt know I was she sent the first ten students










There are obvious differences between high school life and college life. First,college students will live in the dormitory with classmates who e from various places, and who may have different living habits. Second,college teachers ,instead of explaning in detail how to solve every problem, might only tell different approaches to the problem, and leave students to study and solve problems independently. Finally, in college,there is more free time for students to spend on.

However how should the college freshman adapt himself to these differeces. First of all, he should learn to be tolerant and consider more for others,which is necessary for group living. Moreover he should take active part in collective activities and make more munication with classmates and teachers. It will help he be smoothly integrated with your new environment. Besides,as to study,he should develop a good habit of self-teaching and learn to arrange study independently. Of course,it may take a freshman some while to bee accustomed to the study and life in college. However, we all have to accept constant challenges of new things in our life. To conclude,college students should try to adapt himself to college life as soon as possible, so as to take full advantages of their precious college time.








热门标签: 英语






  作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括:记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。以下是本站分享的暴雨小学作文,希望能帮助到大家!   暴雨小学作文  这场暴雨是那样的突然而又凶猛。刚刚还是艳阳高照,一会儿就是乌云密布,闷热的空气压得人喘不过气来。暴风雨的前夕总是宁静得让人可怕,的确,暴

小学作文2023-02-19 18:02:23


作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括:记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了有关重阳节作文集合三篇,希望对大家有所帮助!   有关重阳节作文集合一篇  秋,是成熟的。静谧祥和的夜,温和亲切的风,端庄沉静的麦,悠远长久的雨,这些些许许像极了一个人,那个伴我

500字作文2023-02-20 08:02:47


  2023年1月13日,美中国际GIA学校梦想启程仪式暨美中国际客户答谢会在成都市尼依格罗酒店圆满举办。全国多所国际学校校长飞抵成都,与媒体朋友,协会代表,企业嘉宾,留美学子家庭齐聚一堂,共同见证这一激动人心的时刻。  精彩的教育理念分享、隆重的启程仪式、温馨的颁奖典礼……现场掌声不断,声声欢笑,阵阵祝福。此刻,是新起点的启程,更是美中国际2023年的发展见证。  17时30分,晚会嘉宾开始陆续

500字作文2023-02-20 08:02:49


作文(composition)是通过人们的思想和语言组织来表达主题意义的叙事方法。作文分为小学作文、中学作文和大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括:叙事、解释、应用和议论文。下面是一路范文网分享的难忘的第一次小学作文,希望对大家有所帮助!  难忘的第一次小学作文  在成长的路上,我们会遇到很多第一次,就像天空中灿烂的星星,深深地印在我记忆的世界里。  我记得那是一个阳光明媚的下午,我将参加国际象棋文化艺

小学作文2023-02-19 18:02:25


重阳节是中国的传统民间节日,每年农历九月初九。《易经》中九数为阳数,九九两阳数相重,故称重阳;因日月皆逢九,故又称重九。下面是一路范文网分享的描写重阳节作文汇编,希望对大家有所帮助!  描写重阳节作文汇编  如果你勇于向上,那就是登山者的胜利。  在重阳节的前一天,我建议:老人节登山!明日我们全家也总动员好吗?哥哥双手赞成,爷爷也在一旁乐。母亲见了,笑着说:好啊!明天早上去登山,就这样决定吧!  

500字作文2023-02-20 08:02:26


  根据《现代汉语词典》的解释,祖国就是自己的国家。简单来说,祖国是祖先开辟的生存之地,人们崇拜、爱惜和捍卫这片生生不息世代相传的土地。人们对祖国的感情包括了对国家主权、大好河山、灿烂文化以及骨肉同胞的感情。下面是i乐德范文网为大家带来的感谢祖国作文3篇,希望能帮助到大家!  感谢祖国作文1篇  感恩祖国,感激他给予你我幸福生活;感激祖国,感激他赐予你我安宁社会;感激祖国,感激他丰富你我的世界……

500字作文2023-02-20 08:02:28