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让时间在知识的枝条上、智慧的绿叶上、成熟的果实上留下它勤奋的印痕!想要作文写的好,作文素材是必不可少的 。以下是i乐德范文网为大家整理的《北京历年高考英语作文素材》供您查阅。


  When it comes to the topic “What’s the value of work?”, different people hold different points of view.


  A group of people think that work is just a method for living. They hope that they could spend as little as possible to earn as much money as possible. The more money they make and the less time they spend, the more value the work has. Put that in another way, the value of work is measured in terms of money.


  Some think that we should work for our dreams. We do the job just because we love it. Focusing time and energy on what we love makes us fulfilling. The purpose for which we work should be making contribution to society’s development and at the same time improving ourselves.


  In my opinion, I agree that work is equipment. But that’s not all work of value. When choosing work, we should measure the reward and our dream. I am sure that people would put more efforts into the things they like, and someday they will get anything they deserve in return. And that’s the value of work in my mind.



  Living alone or living with roommates? Conclusions differ from man to man. Some people suppose that everyone should live alone to develop their sense of independence, on the contrast, somebody agrees that they should live with others and make friends with others.


  When you choose to live alone, you may feel pretty free at first. You don't need to care anyone in your dormitory, and just do what you want to do. For example, when you want to see movies until midnight, and nobody will prevent you from doing that. What's more, you can sing loudly and call your good friends to come to play together. You will always have your own room and own time but you may feel lonely after a few days.


  Although we may think good of living alone, in my opinion, living with roommates is better. Why? Because everyone will be in trouble sometimes. When you are studying in your dormitory, you may encounter some difficult problems and you can't find out the answers by yourself. At this time, you will ask your roommates for help. Living with roommates, you can not only get help when you're in trouble, but also develop your ability to get alone with anyone.


  In conclusion, living with roommates is better than living alone for me.



  Every year there are high school students joining the college entrance exam in June, then in July, the scores come out, students start to choose colleges. Some students won’t get the ideal results, most of them want to repeat high school study in order to join the exam again. In my opinion, it is not a wise choice.

  每年六月都有学生参加高考,七月里,成绩出来了,学生开始选择大学。一些学生没有得到理想的结果,他们大部分人想要重读高中,为了再次参加考试。在我看来,这不是一个明智的选择。  On the one hand, repeating the high school study takes a year for students, they are in the different stage with the other students. Such students are in the awkward situation, they are older than other students, what’s more, everybody knows that they have failed the important exam once. So the students who repeat their study in the high school are under great pressure, it is not good for their mental health.


  On the other hand, going to the college is not the only choice, repeating the high school doesn’t mean the students can enter the good college, they will probably fail again. Students can go to the vocational school, learning the special skill, they can find a good job, too. The society is in need of the talents who own skill.


  Though not everyone will enter the ideal college, life is still going on, students need to move on, and find the right places.
















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