
更新时间:2023-04-27 10:22:27 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc


  sex: male

  date of birth: 1986.11.08 origin: shanxi, taiyuan

  professional: information department of information technology and political outlook: members

  first, the learning ability:

  hard to adopt a serious attitude to study university courses, excellent performance, such as two consecutive 3 scholarships. at the same time, the wider range of a number of extra-curricular knowledge, foster a strong learning ability.

  second, technical capacity:

  a, independent completion of skilled electronic circuit, microwave technology, information programs experimental physics;

  b, to help teachers access to ieee and other research projects and included in the documentation and translation

  "a rule of law by a silver ion-exchange glass integrated optical resonant cavity," a text;

  c, now under way 2.115ghz microstrip filter design and production of thematic experiments;

  d, ability to use computers: pc solid basic machine; the use of c, c + + programming;

  mcs51 microcontroller applications; use vfp database system; the operation of a wide range of eda software;

  third, language ability:

  a, standard mandarin;

  b, four words outstanding, through 6;

  c, toefl 643 twe5.0;

  d, oral english certificate in a +, etc.;

  fourth, the capacity of social activities:

  a, freshman year: zhijiang college english association; the coordination of activities of the association, presided over the school of english corner zhijiang activities, teacher organizations, seminars, christmas party in english;

  b, first year so far: 984 bilten chief; organizations to carry out the whole class such as class sports competitions, ok karaoke contest, barbecue, such as the wild variety of classes in various types of activities, in particular the activities of the annual spring秋游well received ;

  c, sophomore year: bilten federation vice-chairman of the department of mission; organization "harvard mba --- miss tan haiyin ebay ceo zheda the" thematic report; ebay site registration activities with prizes; members of the federation in collaboration with the mission, planning, it organization first section of zhejiang university that is the fifth large-scale telecommunications weeks.

  e, st. paul summer: during the visit the internship, the students responsible for lucent in shanghai, shanghai, shanghai light peacekeeping and metallurgy, chinese academy of sciences visited the coordination of training activities and organizations.

  fifth, personal qualities:

  1, good moral self-cultivation, when honest, there are good psychological quality, perseverance, are not afraid of competition;

  2, self-confident but not conceited and are good at self-motivation, to better evaluate and understand the self;

  3, a good sense of teamwork, good communication skills and the expression has a certain ability to organize and coordinate the leadership;

  4, be good at discovering problems, analyze and solve problems;

  vi awards: (awards year junior school department has not yet been selected)

  1998 school year, school scholarships and other outstanding freshmen 2; 1998-1999 school year, 3 scholarships, etc.;

  1998-1999 school year, outstanding student leaders; scholarships such as the 1999-XX school year 3;

  miyoshi 1996-XX school year students; military training in 1999, such as the work of an individual award;

  XX-XX school year, outstanding members of zhejiang university; in XX outstanding foreign language scholarships;

  XX-XX school year, outstanding members of zhejiang university; english four outstanding certificates;

  6 certificate of english; english spoken a + certification;

  (received a certificate attached)














目前所在: 东莞 年  龄: 28  户口所在: 湖北 国  籍: 中国  婚姻状况: 已婚 民  族: 汉族  培训认证: 未参加 身  高: 173 cm  诚信徽章: 未申请 体  重: 56 kg  人才测评: 未测评  我的特长:  求职意向  






★以下是i乐德范文网为大家整理的关于20_应届毕业生自荐书格式范文的文章,希望大家能够喜欢!更多个人简历资源请搜索个人简历频道与你分享!尊敬的贵公司领导:  您好!  首先真诚地感谢您在百忙之中浏览我的求职网页,这对一个即将迈出校门的学子而言,将是一份莫



尊敬的领导:  您好!  我是XX医学院妇产科学的应届本科毕业生。来源:免费范文网qc99.com步入医学事业,解除妇女疾病的痛苦一直是我的梦想,医学院的几年砺炼为我实现梦想打下了坚实的基础,专业特长更使我明确了择业目标:做一名妇产医师。  久闻贵院是一流



姓 名:  性 别:  出生年月:  联系电话:  学 历:  专 业:  工作经验:  民 族:  毕业学校:  住 址:  电子信箱:  自我简介  本人性开朗、为人诚恳、乐观向上、兴趣广泛、认真踏实、对工作负责;喜欢帮别人解决问题;积极进取、学习能力



