
更新时间:2023-04-26 20:21:08 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

Name: Ms. C Gender: Female  Wedlock: Single Nation: Han  Residence: Guangdong-Huizhou Age: 23  Location: Guangdong-Huizhou Height: 160cm  Target Locations: Guangdong-Huizhou  Target Positions: Logistics/Procurement-Logistics Commissioner/Assistant  Administration/Human Resource-Administrative Assistant/Clerk  Target Jobs: Administrative assis、 purchasing assistant、 Merchandiser  Desired Salary: 3000 RMB/month Negotiable Apartment needed  When Can Start: immediately  Education  20_-09 ~ Present South China Normal University English education Bachelor Degree  20_-09 ~ 20_-06 Huizhou University English education Junior College  (20_-03 ~ Present)  Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Petroleum,Chemical,Geological  Job Title: Administer Assistant Positions: Administrative Assistant/Clerk  Job Description: 1)Purchase application, the products which need to purchased have to fill the application and need to use Yongyou system;  2)Created PowerPoint presentations ;  3)Payment application; count the department monthly expenses and the payment next month is expected to pay;  4)Work as a monthly newsletter editor;  5)The personnel attendance, responsible for department staff attendance every month;  6)Contract management, Inputting information into the contract registration form;  7)Meeting notice and make records, filer management and do some logistics services;  8)Interpreting some important materials, writing some essays;  9)Printing, coping, fax;  10)air ticket, hotel booking and other outreach work, assist the principle in important schedule,coordinating relationship with other departments, send and receive correspondence;  11)New purchases fixed assets, transfer and scrap processing;  12)Order office supplies and other office affairs;  13)vehicle dispatch; 14)Maintain company daily work order and office environment  15)Supplier information management;Petrochemical area card management;Key management;  16)Express mail, send and receive registration  17)Safe operation ticket managed;  18)Providing lounge to the stuff during the turn around, supplying labor insurance; lavatory rental;furniture rental and so on;  Reason for Leaving: personal reason  Special Skills  Professional Title: National Computer exam.grade 1  Computer Level: national computer exam. grade 1  Computer Skills:  Strengths: Excel,PowerPoint, PhotoShop, File Maker Pro, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes  Writing ability (proposals, newsletters, presentations, resumes, cover letters)  Language Skills  Chinese: Good Cantonese: Good  English Level: Majored in English CET-6 Spoken General  English: Skilled Japanese: General  Career Objective  Career Direction: I think i learn quickly, and i alway work with a careful mind, with a good attitude, i believe i can do better and i hope i can have the chance of promotion.  Requirements:  Self Info.  Self Assessment: 1)Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.  2)A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.  3)A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.  4)Bright and aggressive;  5)Initiative,independent and good communication skill.  6)Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.  I think if I can work in your company, I will learn quickly and with a sincere mind, I will do my job excellent and carefully; believe me, please!  Hobbies: 1、Badminton, Bike,jumping rope, yoga sports,etc.;  2、See movies (can experience a lot );  3、Like to watch cooking books;  4、Spare time likes to listen to music;  Certifications  CET-6 20_-05-01  CET-420_-12-01  National Computer exam.grade 1 20_-03-01








热门标签: 英文简历 行政助理






  述职报告是指各级各类的机关工作人员,一般为业务部门陈述以主要业绩业务为主,少有职能和管理部门陈述。本站站今天为大家精心准备了述职述廉报告个人五篇,希望对大家有所帮助!  述职述廉报告个人一篇  按照镇党委的要求,就本人一年来个人履行岗位职责以及学习、工作、廉洁自律等方面的情景简要汇报如下,请各位领导和同志们批评指正。  一、用理论武装头脑,从源头上强化廉政意识。  头脑支配行动,为了进一步提高



乡村旅游规划,是旅游规划的一种。本站今天为大家精心准备了乡镇旅游建设开展工作情况报告汇报材料,希望对大家有所帮助!  乡镇旅游建设开展工作情况报告汇报材料  县人大常委会调研组:  今年以来,**乡的旅游业在县四家班子的高度重视下,得到了快速发展,取得了一定的成绩,现将具体工作情况汇报如下:  一、旅游工作的总体安排及进展情况  20XX年,我乡旅游工作主要是围绕“4·28”国家地质公园开园仪式,



政府是指国家进行统治和社会管理的机关,是国家表示意志、发布命令和处理事务的机关,实际上是国家代理组织和官吏的总称。本站今天为大家精心准备了2023年政府工作报告讨论发言3篇,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023年政府工作报告讨论发言1篇  报告回顾了过去五年全市各级干部群众开拓进取、真抓实干的工作历程,概括全面,实事求是;肯定了我市在促进经济增长和社会事业进步方面取得的可喜成绩;分析了现阶段在经济和发



资金管理是社会主义国家对国营企业资金来源和资金使用进行计划、控制、监督、考核等项工作的总称。本站今天为大家精心准备了资金管理自查报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  资金管理自查报告  接到总部转发的xx集团《关于加强资金管控确保资金安全的通知》(xx财字[20XX]4号)后,我单位高度重视,经单位领导研究决定,成立了自纠自查领导小组,对单位资金管理工作进行了自查,现将自查情况说明如下:  一、制度建立及



失业保险是指国家通过立法强制实行的,由用人单位、职工个人缴费及国家财政补贴等渠道筹集资金建立失业保险基金,对因失业而暂时中断生活来源的劳动者提供物质帮助以保障其基本生活,并通过专业训练、职业介绍等手段为其再就业创造条件的制度。以下是本站分享的失业保险调研报告,希望能帮助到大家!  失业保险调研报告  一、*市失业保险工作概况  (一)失业保险制度发展过程  *市失业保险制度自1986年国务院《国营



述职是一个汉字词语,读音为shùzhí,是指古时诸侯向天子陈述职守。现泛指低级干部向上级干部进行工作汇报。语出《孟子·梁惠王下》:“诸侯朝於天子曰述职。述职者,述所职也。”本站今天为大家精心准备了述学述职述廉述法情况报告3篇,希望对大家有所帮助!  述学述职述廉述法情况报告1篇  在学校党委的正确领导下,我始终坚持以身作则,勤学善思,开拓创新,廉洁自律,尊重领导,团结同事,圆满完成了年度工作目标和
