
更新时间:2023-04-26 18:50:07 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

Name: Gender: Male

  Wedlock: Married Nation: Han

  Residence: Hunan-Shaoyang Age: 34

  Location: Zhejiang-Taizhou Height: 168cm

  Target Locations: Guangdong-Shenzhen、 Guangdong-Dongguan、 Guangdong-Huizhou

  Target Positions: Quality/Safety Management-QA/QC Manager/Supervisor

  Industry/Factories-Product Development Manager/Director

  Sales Management-Sales Majordomo

  Target Jobs: SQE director、 Quality director、 Procurement,Sales


  1998-09 ~ 20_-07 Xiangtan University business administration Junior College

  1995-09 ~ 1998-07 The Second School of Shaoyang County science High School


  20_-04 ~ 20_-04 Hexagon Metrology(Qingdao)Co.,Ltd CMM measuring machine application training CMM measuring machine application training certifi

  20_-07 ~ 20_-07 Shenzhen Dexing Cheng Economic Consulting Co.,Ltd. Calibration and Instrument Management Calibration Certificate

  20_-10 ~ 20_-10 Donggang City TTRT Quality certification Agency Lo.,Ltd ISO9001: 20_ quality management system internal audit program ISO9001: 20_ quality management system audit cert

  20_-10 ~ 20_-10 Donggang City TTRT Quality certification Agency Lo.,Ltd ISO14001: 20_ environmental management system internal audit program ISO14001: 20_ environmental management system au

  Work Experience13 years 0 months work experience,and served on 5 Companies.

  【company name】 (20_-12 ~ Present)

  Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Machine-building,Machine,Heavy industry

  Job Title: Quality manager Positions: QA/QC Manager/Supervisor

  Job Description: The company mainly produces the filters, garden tools and digital generators

  1. Responsible for team planning, budgeting, establish and expand,inter-departmental communication and coordination

  2. Responsible for the company quality system and the advancement of perfect, and quality system operation monitoring, inspection and audit and daily management work

  3. Is responsible for the planning, supervision and inspection equipment and instrument to measure accuracies of maintenance, maintenance and appraisal, detection equipment and instruments to ensure accurate and in good condition

  4. Responsible for quality department personnel daily work schedule, quality training and performance evaluation

  5. Is responsible for organizing the implementation process production quality inspection and verification

  6. Is responsible for organizing the quality accident investigation, continuous improvement, the corrective and preventive actions cause analysis, implement measures and the results of the validation work

  7. Responsible for the supplier evaluation of the prison, audit, counseling and quality management

  【company name】 (20_-07 ~ 20_-12)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Machine-building,Machine,Heavy industry

  Job Title: Supplier Quality Engineer Positions: Supplier/Vendor Management

  Job Description: The main garden tools, power tools, large machinery and equipment, the main work is as follows:

  1. Supplier Evaluation and management, develop new strategies to help procurement suppliers.

  2. Supplier audits and counseling,

  3. Unified customer / factory / supplier quality standards, to assist incoming IQC for improving the quality of exception handling and abnormal results tracking;

  4 .CD-leading supplier of monthly meetings, assist in analysis of quality suppliers, and abnormal responses, reducing the process bad.

  5 .IQC daily work and education and training;

  6 .Department team formation and expansion, inter-departmental communication and coordination

  【company name】 (20_-07 ~ 20_-07)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: OA Devices,Culture Articles,Sports and Leisure goods

  Job Title: SQE Positions: Supplier Quality Engineer

  Job Description: Company mainly produces duplicator, printers, scanners

  1. the supplier audit and assessment, prison,

  2. for incoming quality exception handling and supplier reply and improve poor 8D effect of tracking,

  3. unified supplier/customer/the factory quality standards,

  4. month/week each supplier quality status reports and statistics of the supplier improvement strategies of five poor planning. Monthly grade-d supplier service C statistic and grid, and assist supplier conference held cardin grade-d supplier C, to improve the project within the major anomalies and aftersale form the AD hoc group

  5. QCC activities

  【company name】 (20_-07 ~ 20_-06)

  Company Type: State Owned Enterprise Company Category: Internet,E-Commerce

  Job Title: SQE Leader Positions:

  Job Description: Company mainly produces radiator, computer box, etc, is responsible for the main work is as follows:

  1. supplier assessment and management, assist purchasing into developing new strategy suppliers, and establish a set of own management mode, into the company, and the teaching process as the SQE and IQC training materials;

  2. supplier audit and counselling, leadership STSM SQE annual audit, leading QSA QPA GP procurement SQE, establish project team, improve the auditing and counselling process capability to suppliers and customers of the company quality requirements, And a strong suppliers

  -- -- the customer relationships

  3. Familiar with computer case of radiator, processing flow, leading to the guests and SQE within the standard into suppliers, make the guest, standard and quality standards, assist supplier for incoming quality SQE and IQC improvements and exception handling tracking,

  4 leading supplier C.D monthly meetings, assist supplier level anomalies and quality analysis, the process is bad.

  5. the SQE and IQC education and training routine work arrangement,

  6. the establishment and expansion team, inter-departmental communication and coordination,

  Reason for Leaving: expiration of contract

  【company name】 (20_-06 ~ 20_-07)

  Company Type: State Owned Enterprise Company Category: Internet,E-Commerce

  Job Title: Assistant Engineer Positions: Engineering Device Engineer

  Job Description: Company mainly produces toys, family security products, mobile, telephone, acoustics, responsible for the sales of connector, shell, the main work is as follows:

  1.For the engineering design for safety and reliability assessment,

  2. Arrange lab technician and testers daily work,

  3 to write test procedure, test plan,

  Reason for Leaving: Blessting

  Special Skills

  Professional Title:

  Computer Level: national computer exam. grade 3

  Computer Skills:

  Strengths: 1. Have good communication skills, be mechanical drawing, familiar with computer office software to process data and charts (such as excel, Word, Powerpoint, etc.)

  2. Familiar with computer peripherals, connectors, chassis, Cooler radiator,Power tools, garden tools

  , copiers, printers, scanners, toys and other manufacturing processes, quality, customer focus and major quality standards (such as: Hasbro, LittleTike, Safety, Gerber, Sony, Foxconn, Fic, XRF, MSI, NEC, n-Vidia, AUSU, FSC, Kyocera Mita ,hitachi etc.);

  3. Familiar with plastic, metal, electroplating, injection, die casting, welding, machining and other processes and quality points;

  4. 13 years of working experience in quality assurance, the use of a variety of experimental apparatus and image measuring instrument,CMM,etc precision measuring instruments, familiar with ISO9000, ISO14000,5s management system and garden tools, generators, etc. Safety standards.

  5. Can skillfully use the seven QC methods, SPC, DFMEA, etc. to analyze the causes and deal with the quality of exception, which will be used to design the front end of product quality Foolproof

  Language Skills

  Chinese: Good Cantonese: Very Bad

  English Level: Majored in English

  English: General

  Career Objective

  Career Direction: The enterprises in senior management positions and senior technical positions, to make full use of their own over the years built up world-class enterprise departments and project management, team building and business experience in action, displaying themselves in all areas of experience and skills combined with the company


  Self Info.

  Self Assessment: 1.Rich experience in team building and project management

  2.Good project plan, project implement, resource co-ordination, quality control and schedule management

  3.Good standard system management, and with clients, suppliers, communication and collaboration

  4.Are familiar with plastic, metal, electroplating, spraying, casting, welding, machining and other processes and quality points;

  5. 13 years of working experience in quality assurance, the use of a variety of experimental apparatus and image measuring instrument,CMM,etc precision measuring instruments, familiar with ISO9000, ISO14000,5s management system and garden tools, generators, etc. Safety standards.

  6.Good character, the work has a very high enthusiasm and sense of responsibility,acceptance and ability to master new things



  ISO9001: 20_ quality management system audit certificate(DG***Q) 20_-10-29

  ISO14001: 20_ environmental management system audit certifi(DG***E) 20_-10-29

  Calibration Certificate(DXC-ME-111482) 20_-07-30

  CMM measuring machine application training certificate(P***NB-03) 20_-05-23








热门标签: 大全 简历模板 英文






报告使用范围很广。按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想。下面是本站为大家带来的党风廉政建设专题调研报告,希望能帮助到大家!  党风廉政建设专题调研报告  根据县纪委派驻工作要求,**纪工委紧紧围绕履行监督责任开展执纪审查工作,通过到所辖村、企业走访,与相关人员座谈,听取他们对**党风廉政建设方面存在的问



报告使用范围很广。按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想。下面是本站为大家带来的关于我区气象区域站建设情况和气象服务工作高质量发展问题的调研报告,希望能帮助到大家!  关于我区气象区域站建设情况和气象服务工作高质量发展问题的调研报告   在第六个国家扶贫日到来之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习



深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届四中全会精神,认真落实中央、省市纪委全会精神,层层压紧压实全面从严治党责任,积极培树正确选人用人导向,持之以恒正风反腐,纵深推进全面从严治党、党风廉政建设和反腐败工作,推动全县形成了风清气正的良好政治生态。以下是本站为大家整理的关于政治生态状况分析报告9篇范文,希望对大家有所帮助!政治生态状况分析报告篇1  成立派驻纪检组以来,我组严格落实省、市、区相关文件,保持预防、惩



述职报告是一种新的应用文体,主要是领导干部向上级、管理部门或者下属群众陈述任职情况,包括个人职位和岗位职责,以及工作任务的成绩、缺点问题、设想,进行自我回顾、评估、鉴定的书面报告。以下是合一范文为大家整理的关于纪检员个人述职报告9篇范文,希望能够帮助大家~纪检员个人述职报告篇1  在即将过去的一年里,我以三个代表的精神为指导,在支行领导的关心和同事们的支持下,兢兢业业做好本岗



2023年是中国共产党成立100周年。为庆祝党的百年华诞,党中央决定举行一系列活动。下面是本站为大家整理的再庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年的讲话读书报告,供大家参考选择。  再庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年的讲话读书报告  在建党100周年之际,聆听了庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会重要讲话,我给自己定下了一个新的起点:要进一步完善提高,争做一名优秀党员。在今后的工作与生活中,我将时刻牢记自己的党员身份,



征文是一个汉语词语,拼音是zhēngwén,指某个办事部门为了某个活动公开向社会征集有关的文章。该类文章没有题目、题材、格式的限定,与作文大体上一样,但更好写,因为局限少了很多。下面是本站为大家带来的关于小学生爱国心报国情强国志征文400字,希望能帮助到大家!  关于小学生爱国心报国情强国志征文400字  我爱祖国  假如我是一只鹿,跟着我的家族,一起生活在非洲。我们早上,去草原吃草,晚上回森林休
