
更新时间:2023-04-26 18:01:07 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

name: *** gender: female

  wedlock: married nation: yi

  residence: *** age: 28

  location: *** height: 160cm

  target locations: zhejiang、 jiangsu、 shanghai

  target positions: trading-customs commissioner

  trading-foreign trade commissioner/assistant


  20**-09 ~ 20**-07 shanxi university of finance & economics international trade bachelor degree


  20**-06 ~ 20**-06 fei yue dian feng qi hua about team cooperation

  work experience5 years 0 months work experience,and served on 4 companies.

  【company name】 (20**-07 ~ 20**-02)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: machine-building,machine,heavy industry

  job title: customs commissioner positions: customs commissioner

  job description: i am in charge of following up the whole plant machinery and spare parts imports, preparing relevant documents such as invoices, packing list, ccc certificate, 0 certificate, and communicating with italy about delivery issues.

  reason for leaving: family

  【company name】 (20**-05 ~ 20**-06)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: textile industry

  job title: customs commissioner positions: customs commissioner

  job description: i took responsibility for the work of the import declaration with other two partners.our duty contain much detail, such as filling out declaration sheet,completing the pre-entry, checking , sending the declaration data to the customs and completing customs clearance in counter , until the goods are transported to our warehouse; keeping communication with related departments such as the terminal,purchasing department, production department, documentary team, warehouses,and so on; to make sure works can be done smoothly; transferring necessary information to relevant person and file all the document.

  reason for leaving: search for better offer

  【company name】 (20**-04 ~ 20**-01)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: electrical,micro-electronics

  job title: customs commissioner positions: customs commissioner

  job description: i took responsibility for the factory's customs clearance , such as importing material, exporting finished goods and scraping pieces of the material and so on. besides, i undertook some material planning work and analyzing and reducing our department's costs.

  reason for leaving: missing my id card

  【company name】 (20**-08 ~ 20**-03)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: electrical,micro-electronics

  job title: customs declaration assitant positions: export commissioner

  job description: i took responsability of factroy's all import business,following up the delivery all the time,checking bill and asking for payment of transportation,dealing with other things the manager demand.

  reason for leaving: i intend to hunt for a suitbale job for my further development,such as declarant and so on

  project experience

  improve customs workflow (20**-08 ~ 20**-02)

  job title: customs commissioner

  project description: in order to improve work efficiency, to meet the growing business, our customs department was divided into four team, the import, export, inspection, handbook, to finish continuous improvement within six months. our target is ensure timeliness, accuracy rate, volume of business, and department high efficiency operation

  responsibility: as the import team leader, i gathered all the team members to discuss and determine the direction and methods, division of labor. with the actual situation, the main direction of our team was to change all the manual operation to computer operation, the target was to achieve the elimination of manual errors, the computer automatically calculate, easy to modify and review, shorten the declaration time. in the project implementation process, i was responsible to design a program in accordance with requirements of customs and automatic classification and calculation (ie, we entered original data into computer in accordance with the document, then got finished declaration sheet after computer process). after nearly three months of the trial and repeated changes, the three import members can complete the daily work on time which is need four people to complete overtime before.

  special skills

  professional title:

  computer level: intermediate

  computer skills: i can use excel & word proficiently, input character 50-60 per minute.

  strengths: 1.good occupation ethics, good resistance to stress and optimistic and positive attitude;

  2.cet-6,customs declaration and inspection qualification certificates;

  3.grasp comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of international trade;

  4.c1 driving license.

  language skills

  chinese: good cantonese: general

  english level: cet-6

  english: good

  career objective

  career direction: in the past five years, i got some valuable experience on all aspects of international trade such as shipping and clearance and inspection. in the future, i hope to achieve success in international business. this is not only my career goal but also interest

  requirements: be requested indispensable insurance

  self info.

  self assessment: as to my major international trade, i’m familiar with the procedure of international trade and related documents, such as shipping and customs clearance. in everyday life, i have a strong capacity of communication. i enjoy not only the team work but also finish the work independent without supervision. besides, i always pay attention to related knowledge cultivation, such as computer skill and english skill.

  i've done well on my job, and gained valuable experience from it. the most important point is that i have different work experience which gives me more in-depth understanding and makes me engaging in international trade.

  hobbies: singing, reading, playing pingpang


  improve workflow 20**-02-18


  cet-6 20**-02-01

  customs qualification certificate 20**-01-22

  inspection qualification certificate 20**-03-20








热门标签: 简历模板 英文






这份报告被广泛使用。根据上级的部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,都要向上级报告,反映工作的基本情况、工作中的经验教训、存在的问题和今后的工作思路,以获得上级领导部门的指导。 以下是为大家整理的关于2023年学校疫情防控工作自查情况报告的文章4篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第1篇: 2023年学校疫情防控工作自查情况报告  为认真落实、及时做好传染病防治工作与学校食品卫生安全,确保师生身心健康,维护正常的教育教学秩



疫情是指疫情的发生和发展。严重急性呼吸综合征SARS、甲型H1N1流感H1N1和2023年冠状病毒性疾病新冠肺炎-19在更大的地区爆发。 以下是为大家整理的关于2023年学校疫情防控工作自查情况报告的文章9篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第一篇: 2023年学校疫情防控工作自查情况报告   根据XX市教育局(市委教育工委)新冠肺炎疫情处置工作领导小组(指挥部)第56号文件《关于开展全市学校今冬明春疫情防控工作专项



  在廉政建设方面,我始终保持清醒的头脑,在待人接物上严于律己,谨言慎行,努力工作,清白做人。以下是由本站小编为你整理的“办公室主任述廉述职报告”,更多内容请访问本站。  办公室主任述廉述职报告(一)  时间过得真快,回顾过去,对自己所从事的工作加以梳理、盘点和反思,这既是一种自我激励和加压,也是一种理性的思考,更是接受领导指导、同仁相助的极好机会。  我,自20xx年6月进本单位工作以来,在供电



  一年来,在市委市政府的正确领导和市纪委的具体指导下,我和农办班子团结广大党员干部,认真履行党风廉政建设岗位职责,严格执行廉洁自律各项规定,较好地完成了党风廉政建设的各项工作任务,根据要求,现将本人今年以来取得的主要工作实绩和所做的主要工作以及廉洁自律情况汇报如下:  一.牢固确立农业根本地位,工作作风过硬  统筹协调全面工作,以全面深入开展“两学一做”主题活动为抓手,狠抓机关作风、干部队伍建设



组织生活会:是党支部或党组交流思想、总结交流经验、开展批评和自我批评的组织活动制度。 以下是为大家整理的关于2023年党支部书记述职报告集合的文章16篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第一篇: 2023年党支部书记述职报告集合  根据会议安排,我就2023年度履行抓基层党建工作职责情况报告如下:  一、履行职责及特色做法  一年来,合作市纪委监委党总支认真学习***新时代中国、特色主义思想、党的十九大精神和《中国共



  【导语】作为教师,责任心是工作成败的关键,也是良好师德的具体体现。下面关于教师个人评优总结 ,希望可以帮到您!  【篇一】教师个人评优总结  我叫xxx,现年30岁,本科学历,小教一级教师,20XX年参加工作的,至今工作已近11年了。从参加工作以来我始终坚持四项基本原则,拥护中国共产党的领导,热爱社会主义祖国,关心我国社会主义现代化的建设大业,关心国家大事,关心世界大事;热爱党的教育事业,关心
