
更新时间:2023-04-26 17:47:08 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

Name:Miss. JNationality:China (Mainland)
Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:156 cm 43 kg
Marital Status:SingleAge:27 years
Career Objective
Application type:Jobseeker
Preferred job title:Foreign Trade/Import-Export Specialist/Assistant: English staff 、 English Translator: 、 Customer Service Specialist/Assistant/Website Customer Service/Complaint specialist:
Working life:3Title:No title
Job type:BothExpected Start date:In three days
Expected salary:¥3,000~¥3,499Preferred working place:Zhanjiang
Work experience
Company"s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 20_-12-20_-09
Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Computer/Internet/Communication/Electronics
Job Title:Foreign trade sales
Job description:1.independent to operate the alibaba platform, familiar with the use of Google"s search engine, dragon-guide, facebook, linkedin, bikudo free platform to develop the overseas customers.
2.deal and beautify the product photos by photoshop and other software, publish the photos in alibaba backstage and other free platforms, mainly product is phone case,screen protector and other mobile phone accessories. Collect the product keywords from alibaba popular search terms and other tools such as Google trends.
3.prompt reply the inquiry and from alibaba and other free platform, keep contact with the customer through email,skype,facebook,wechat, call and other contact way..
4.Receiving foreign customers and negociation with them.
5.make the product quotation, contract and related shipping documents,well following the orders,and arrange and shippment.
6.maintain customer relationship, keep and improved return orders.
Reasons for leaving:

Company"s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 20_-11-20_-10
Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes
Job Title:Merchandiser
Job description:1、Source and contact bag factories through web,markets and canton fair etc., arrange the QC to visit them and make the factory evaluation;
2、Contact the clients,well received them, deal with their enquiries and orders, make the product spec., negotiate the best prices and quote to them.
3、make the order contract, Performa invoice and order spec.,deal with the artworks and related files.
4. follow with the factories and update the order production Schedule, arrange the approval samples, check the samples and send to the licensor and clients for approval. Make sure the good quality product be finished on time,arrange product according to customers"request.
5、Arrange the QC to do the inspection in factory before delivery, and make the related inspection report.
6、make the shipment documents, including the CI,PL,place the order docs on files.
7、take the detail photos of products,be familiar with the design software such as Photoshop、Photoviewer,and save with the spec.
Reasons for leaving:

Company"s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 20_-03-20_-10
Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports
Job Title:Sales Executive
Job description:1.develop and contact with the foreign clients,well received for the clients and deal with their enquiries and orders.
2.sourcing the products from various factories, compared and negotiate the price with them, get the best price with good quality.
3. make the quotation sheet(mention Product specification, price,packing,delivery time,payment term and offer valid day) and send to clients; dealing and convey the problems between the clients and suppliers.
4. follow the order closely, sure that goods be finished on time in good quality;
5. go for inspection when the goods are ready ,insuring the good"s quality, quantity and packing are matched with the order; contact with the forwarders and arrange the shipment, supervised the loading of container sometimes if need it.
6.make the order and shipment documents(Sales Contract, Commercial Invoice, Packing list etc.)
Reasons for leaving:
Educational Background
Name of School:Guangdong Peizheng college
Highest Degree:AssociateDate of Graduation:20_-06-01
Name of Major 1:Traslation EnglishName of Major 2:
Education experience:
Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No
20_-0920_-06Guangdong Peizheng collegeTraslation EnglishCET-6,excellent League member
Language Ability
Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:excellent
Chinese level:goodCantonese Level:good
Relevant skills and abilities
1.Familiar with the proceed of foreign trade import and export,have above 3 years foreign trade business and merchandiser experience.
2、Good at English letter contacts and translate, English speaking, Reading and writing;
3.Familiar with operated the alibaba international platform,well use Google"s search engine, dragon-guide, facebook, linkedin, bikudo free platform to develop the overseas customers.
4.Good computer Skill,using the office software such as Excel,word,power point to make documents and design software such as photoshop and photo viewer to deal and beautify the product photos.
5.Have the great ability of communication and sociality with people
6.work with chariness and responsibility ,have patience, strong resistance to pressure.
Self-recommendation letter
Friendly confident,independent Character,love music, shopping and sport in the spare time








热门标签: 业务员 英文简历






时间总是转瞬即逝,工作了一段时间后,也是时候要回忆一下自己的工作情况,总结问题和经验,更好地去计划接下来的工作,本站为大家整理的相关的个人工作总结及工作计划,供大家参考选择。  个人工作总结及工作计划八个多月的时间漫长而又短暂。这几个月在学生会经历了许多,懂得了许多,也学到了许多。就我个人而言,我是一个不太喜欢积极表现的人,当大家蜂拥而上、一马当先的时候,我习惯于静静地站在旁边,这是自己的性格使然



中国共产党党员,简称中共党员、共产党员或党员,分为中国共产党正式党员和中国共产党预备(候补)党员,是指按照《中国共产党章程》规定的入党条件和程序被批准加入中国共产党的工人、农民、军人、知识分子和其他社会阶层的先进分子。以下是i乐德范文网分享的2023市委政法委机关党建工作计划范本,希望能帮助到大家!  2023市委政法委机关党建工作计划范本  xx年是党的xx大召开的喜庆之年,也是全区上下努力推动



强化车间班组管理、现场基础管理,生产目标的组织落实。下面是本站为大家整理的生产主管年终总结及来年计划,供大家参考选择。  生产主管年终总结及来年计划      时光荏苒,20xx年已经悄然离我们而去,回首过去的一年,内心不禁感慨万千。一年来,我在车间领导及同事的支持与帮助下,带领保全团队,紧紧围绕“作风过硬、技术精湛、保障有力”的目标,齐心协力,团结协作,较好地完成了本职工作和上级下达的各项工作任



“三会一课”工作是党的基层支部长期坚持的方针,同时也是严格管理党员,加强党员教育的重要对策。下面是本站为大家整理的2023年三会一课年度计划怎么把党史教育和教育整顿加进去,供大家参考。  2023年三会一课年度计划怎么把党史教育和教育整顿加进去  认真坚持“三会一课”制度,对于加强支部建设,提高党的战斗力、健全党的生活,严格党员管理,充分发挥党员先锋模范作用,具有十分重要的作用。根据《党章》和加强



  工作计划是,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,工作中都制定工作计划,工作计划实际上有许多不同种类,它们不仅有时间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。以下是本站分享的送教上门工作计划,希望能帮助到大家!   送教上门工作计划  为贯彻落实教育局《靖远县残疾儿童少年送教上门工作实施方案》的精神,保障因生活不能自理等客观原因不能到学校接受教育的重度残疾儿童受教育权益,我校将开展为重度残疾儿童“送教上门



为更好地谋划八五普法规划,切实增强规划的针对性、操作性和创新性,结合实践活动。本站今天为大家精心准备了,希望对大家有所帮助!  “八五”普法工作计划  一、指导思想以书记新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻落实学的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,主动适应坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的新要求,紧紧围绕县委县政府中心工作,以全面推进自然资源法治建设为核
