
更新时间:2023-04-23 19:58:19 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

dear sir or madam:

  i take great pleasure in recommending xxx, one of my favorite students, for acceptance to your distinguished graduate program. as the academic and career advisor of xxx, i became acquainted with her in xxxx when she was admitted into the major of financial engineering. i knew from her transcripts that she was an outstanding high school student, boasting distinctive performance in academic studies. her strong interests in almost every subject allowed her to take part in a nation-wide intelligence competition organized by xxxxxxand won the second prize.

  last year, i knew her better as tutoring her in dynamic optimization. through interactions both inside and outside the classroom, her keen interests in the connection between finance and mathematics became clear to me. in one discussion on optimal control theory, i was surprised by her proficiency in performing rigorous mathematical analysis as an undergraduate student. she has an inherent ability to express her opinion both on paper and in speech. her reports display creative thinking, but still retain the organization of a disciplined mind. as she does extensive reading outside of class, she is invariably in possession of facts and data that none of her classmates are aware of.

  on the basis of her proven academic record and high proficiency in the english language, xxx led many study groups in and out of classes. always diligent and careful, she performed her duties to the best of her abilities. for example, during summer vacation, she organized a study group to investigate the personal finance products provided by commercial banks. she contacted many banks and arranged for members to visit and collect data and information. she also translated english materials into chinese, which helped the group throughout their research work.

  in addition to x’s strength in her major, i am often surprised by her strong leadership. she was the leader of sports department of students’ union. her major task was in charge of all the teams to participate in every sport event of our university for two successive years. on the other hand, she was the founder of the first international students' club--"xxxxx" of xxx university, which chiefly exists to help foreign students to settle well in new environment. she is talented at designing, sketching the design for all of the advertisements of the activities in both organizations. in the recognition of her contributions, the university awarded her two excellent student scholarships in xxxx and xxxx. she was also honored the outstanding graduate student in xxxx.

  in my experience with xxx, i was impressed with not only her extraordinary intelligence but also her ambition and persistence. i am sure that she will be an outstanding student in any master’s program that she may care to enroll in. so i would like to support her firmly in her quest recommendation into account when considering her application. i would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.

  respectfully yours,

  xxx, ph.d.

  associate professor of business school

  xxx university








热门标签: 工程 推荐信






工作计划是,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,工作中都制定工作计划,工作计划实际上有许多不同种类,它们不仅有时间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。本站今天为大家精心准备了保育教师工作计划三篇,希望对大家有所帮助!   保育教师工作计划一篇 新学期工作开始了,为了每一个孩子都能获得更好的发展,为了自己更好的工作,特制定该计划,并在计划实施中不断修正自己和完善自己。本学期工作计划如下:  一、提高思想



 班主任工作的好坏,直接影响着未来人才的培养,作为一名班主任,更应该严格要求自己,为学生做榜样。下面是中国文库-教育资源网为大家带来的2023年春班主任工作计划,希望能帮助到大家!  2023年春班主任工作计划  一、指导思想  本学期从学校总体工作思路和学生思想实际出发,加强自身的思想素质和业务素质培训,抓好本班级管理工作,提高学生道德素质,



  调查目的:通过展开地区垃圾分类情况调查和考察,调查各地方垃圾分类情况,从中了解如今社会垃圾分类情况,并思考本质上思考问题所在,尝试寻求解决方法,体验研究问题的过程。   一、实践前期   活动前的准备,在XX年5月3日我们就开会讨论,明确主题,调研方向,访问对象和具体分工等关键事情,为我们即将开始的实践活动坚实基础。   外出调查:   时间   地点   主要访问对象   主要方式   XX



  班主任是学校中全面负责一个班学生的思想、学习、健康和生活等工作的教师,他是一个班的组织者、领导者和教育者,也是一个班中全体任课教师教学、教育工作的协调者。他与任课教师区别在于任课教师只负责本学科教学,而班主任除此之外全权负责管理一个班级!本站站今天为大家精心准备了班主任教学工作计划三篇,希望对大家有所帮助!  班主任教学工作计划一篇  班主任的工作内容包括了解和研究学生,有效地组织和培养优秀班



根据上级的指示精神和本单位的现实情况,确定工作方针、工作任务、工作要求,再据此确定工作的具体办法和措施,确定工作的具体步骤。环环紧扣,付诸实现。以下是本站分享的2023年落实全面从严治党主体责任工作计划,希望能帮助到大家!  2023年落实全面从严治党主体责任工作计划  一、落实“五个必须”和“六个严禁”要求  必须维护党中央权威,必须维护党的团结,必须遵循组织程序,必须服从组织决定,必须管好亲属



报告使用范围很广。按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想等,以取得上级领导部门的指导。本站今天为大家精心准备了学校2023年党风廉政建设自查报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  学校2023年党风廉政建设自查报告  2023年上半年,我校党支部紧紧围绕学校教育教学工作,以党风促教风,以教风促学风,以学风促校风,坚
