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  Nikolai Copernicus (Polish: Nikolaj Kopernik, February 19, 1473 - May 24, 1543, at the age of 70), is the Renaissance Polish astronomer, mathematician, church law, priest The

  At Copernicus 40 years old, he put forward the heart of the heart, denying the authority of the church, changed the human view of nature on their own. At that time the Roman Catholic Church believed that his day-minded violated the Bible, Copernicus remained convinced that the heart said it was not contradictory, and after years of observation and calculation to complete his great work "celestialism".

  In 1533, 60-year-old Copernicus made a series of speeches in Rome, and finally decided to publish it until he was near the seventies. May 24, 1543 Copernicus died that day the publisher received Copernicus sent a book he wrote.

  Copernicus's "heart said" corrected people's cosmology. Copernicus is a giant of the European Renaissance. He devoted his life to the study of astronomy, leaving a valuable legacy for later generations.

  The Copernicus remains on the rehearsal of the Fraunberg Cathedral in Poland on May 22, 20xx.

  February 19, 20xx is the 540th anniversary of the birth of the astronomer Copernicus, Poland held a series of activities throughout the country to commemorate the great change that has changed the human universe.


  Nicholas Copernicus On February 19, 1973, a wealthy family born in the city of Toruń on the Vistula River in the Kingdom of Poland.

  At the age of 18, he studied at Kraków University, the old capital of Poland, and was interested in astronomy during his study of medicine.

  In 1496, the 23-year-old Copernicus came to Italy, where he studied law, medicine and theology at the University of Bologna and the University of Padua at the University of Bologna and the University of Padua, the astronomer of the University of Bologna (De Novara, 1454-1540) had a great influence on Copernicus, where he had learned astronomical observations and Greek astronomy.

  At the age of 40 he proposed the "heliocentric theory" (the heliocentric theory). And later received a doctorate in religious law from the University of Ferrara. Copernicus as a doctor, because of medical clever and was known as "the doctor".

  Copernicus mostly spent most of his time in the church of Frauen. Copernicus is not a professional astronomer, his famous masterpiece is completed in his spare time.


  Copernicus's scientific achievement is the product of his time, and turned to promote the development of the times.

  Fifteen, sixteenth century Europe, it is from the feudal society to the capitalist society of the critical period, in the two hundred years, the community has undergone tremendous changes.

  Before the 14th century in Europe, everywhere is a fragmented small city. Later, with the rise of urban industry and commerce, especially the development of mining and metallurgy industry, the emergence of many emerging cities, small cities have joined together to form a national trend.

  By the end of the fifteenth century, there were essentially monarchical monarchies in many countries. At that time Poland not only like Krakow, Poznan such a big city, there are many handicraft industry flourishing city.

  The Warsaw, which was converted into Poland in 1526, has become an important center of business, politics, culture and geography, and became the capital of the Polish state at the end of the 16th century.

  And this political and economic change to adapt to the cultural and scientific also began to reflect. At that time, Europe was "the unity of church and state", the Holy See controls many countries, the Bible is declared as supreme truth, all contrary to the doctrine of the Bible, are denounced as "heresy", all against the theocratic rule, all Was sentenced to fire, the Italian thinker Bruno, in order to maintain the heart of the day, that was taught to burn with fire (one that Bruno was executed not because he insisted on scientific truth, but because he publicly publicized a different view of Christianity).

  The emerging bourgeoisie for their own survival and development, set off a struggle against the feudal system and church superstition, there has been a humanistic trend of thought. They use the combat weapon is not the gods of the ancient Greek philosophy, science and literature, which is shocking the European Renaissance. The Renaissance first took place in Italy and soon expanded to Poland and other European countries.

  At the same time, commercial activity has also contributed to the development of foreign trade. In the "golden" driven by the spell, many European adventurers voyage Africa, India and the entire Far East. Ocean navigation requires rich astronomical and geographical knowledge, accumulated from the observation of the actual data, so that people feel popular "quiet" cosmology is doubtful, which requires people to further explore the secrets of the universe, so as to promote The development of astronomy and geography.

  In 1492, the famous Italian navigator Columbus discovered the new continent, Magellan and his companions around the earth a week, proving that the earth was round and made people start to really know the earth.

  In the medieval period under the strict control of the church, there were also vigorous religious revolutions. Many of the doctrines of the Catholic Church did not conform to the teachings of the Bible, and joined the papal's personal will and the self-achievement of the various theologians, so many believers began to question the Catholicism The teachings and the organization, initiating the return to the Bible.

  Czech patriots, the president of the University of Prague, Jan Hus (1369-1415), publicly condemned the oppression and exploitation of the German feudal lords and the Catholic Church against the Czech Republic at the religious conference in Constantinople. Although he was fired by the reactionary church, his revolutionary activities had aroused a strong reaction in society. Czech peasants held an uprising under the banner of the Hussists, and the movement also spread to Poland.

  In 1517, in Germany, Martin Luther (1483-1546) opposed the church to sell atonement, and the Roman pope openly broke.

  In 1521, Luther exposes the sins of the Holy See at the Wolm Congress and proposes the idea of establishing Protestantism. Protestant doctrine is supported by many countries, and Poland is also deeply affected.

  In such a big change in the era of great turbulence, February 19, 1473 Copernicus in the Vistula River Torun City was born. His father was a wealthy businessman, he had a brother and two sisters. When Copernicus was 10 years old, his father was dead and he was sent to the uncle, Carmel is a humanist, he and then the progress of the intellectual sector in Poland is very close, and with the Italian revolutionaries, humanist Philip Buonaxi is a friend. At the time of Copernicus secondary school, the card came with him to participate in the gathering of humanists.

  In 1491, according to the uncle's arrangement, Copernicus went to Krakow University to study astronomy and mathematics.

  At that time, Poland had produced some famous astronomers, such as Marlene Keluoer, who wrote in 1450 as the book of "Yaldish Star Elephant," and lectures in many countries. Another example is the famous astronomer Vojciehe, who has compiled astronomical calendar, he lectured at the University of Krakow, is Copernicus school mathematics and astronomy professor. Copernicus's "Sun Center doctrine" was born at the University of Krakow.

  Although the Bible does not involve astronomical knowledge such as "the earth is the center of the universe" and the "heavenly place". In the Middle Ages, astronomy also had an official argument that had been extended to ancient Greece and had been institutionalized by the theorists. In order to consolidate the feudal rule, the Catholic Church of the Referee burned a lot of precious scientific works, and sometimes actually burned 20 carts a day.

  In 1327, the Italian astronomer Cai Ke Dasi Keli was burned alive, his "charges" is contrary to the teachings of the Bible, arguing that the earth was spherical, in another hemisphere also human beings exist.








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