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舞蹈社团英文介绍范文 第一篇

Folk dance my sister is a folk dance club in the University. They meet twice a week in the evening. There are about 30 members from different classes and departments in their club.

All the members like dancing because it is a good exercise and fun. And by learning folk dance, they realize that everyone belongs to this club and they are together My sister seems to be very satiied with her college life, but she always says that college education is not only folk dance or picnic, but also a lot of serious things to learn.



舞蹈社团英文介绍范文 第二篇

There was a girl who wanted to be a dancer in the future because it was fun and beautiful. She thinks she can make a lot of money when she becomes a dancer, so she participates in many dance classes and clubs. She hopes her dream will come true one day.



舞蹈社团英文介绍范文 第三篇

Folk dance my sister is a folk dance club in the University. They meet twice a week in the evening. Their club has about 30 members from different classes and departments.

All the members like dancing because it's a good exercise and fun. Through the study of folk dance, they realized that everyone belonged to this club. They studied together.

My sister seemed very satiied with her college life, but she always said that college education was not only folk dance or picnic, but also a lot of serious things to learn.




舞蹈社团英文介绍范文 第四篇

One day, when I came home from class, my mother said that she had something to tell me. I was very curious. She said to me that she wanted me to learn ballet.

I didn't know what it was. I agreed. But when I went to dance class for a week, I was depressed.

Ballet was too difficult for me. My body didn't listen to me. I thought I was too stupid.

I told my mother that I wanted to learn ballet She asked me why, and I told her why. She said that everything was not easy to do. I should stick to it.

If I give up this time, I will do it next time. So I have to stick to it. Now, I think ballet is not so difficult.

Although I haven't done it well, I can keep up with others. I know I shouldn't give up students easily.



舞蹈社团英文介绍范文 第五篇

The painting club wants to recruit some people who are interested in painting. We can exchange experience with each other in the club, or draw in our life. We will choose the best works for you every week.

If you're interested, join us. Japanese animation has a long history of innovation and fun, and some of the representative works that are popular all over the world are doramon's xxxa long wayxxx and xxxcrayon axxx.




舞蹈社团英文介绍范文 第六篇

Super special joining the dance club is beneficial to the dance and can improve its own quality. Properly and seriously practicing some basic skills can reshape the body line of the dance club, dance, and sweet Cantonese dance environment. Here, humor coaches, rich popular dance, unique Yue Opera dance style, is a vivid and beautiful music accompaniment for Chaozhou white-collar workers at home The training of dance teaching system will contribute to the development of our music, movement, rhythm and other aspects.

It can enhance the interest in learning and feeling music and dance, improve the ability and form of imagination, enrich emotional experience in the process of learning, and cultivate lively, enthusiastic and cheerful personality. It can shape beauty, add charm, exercise body, temper perseverance, enrich imagination, and dance out of baby's temperament. I think dance has many advantages: physical beauty: after dance training (such as chest straightening, looking up, abdomen retraction) can make us stand upright, beautiful shape, and can correct the problems of hunchback and side shoulder, shape coordination: dance to all parts of the body, through music and dance The harmony and unity of movements can realize the coordinated training of movements, our body more rhythmic flexibility and flexibility: because we often practice the flexibility of children such as presser foot, splitting, waist and back, flexibility is a good exercise of perseverance: starting from the basic function training, we can cultivate our spirit, not afraid to bear hardships, and improving our strengths will improve our physical quality: dance needs to be certain Cut off the exercise can increase appetite, enhance digestive function, improve body resistance, reduce the occurrence of diseases, dance can exercise, strengthen coordination, from all parts of the body are conducive to physical and mental health, self-cultivation, youth, to learn how to dance, happy dance, uphold the extraordinary personality of Cantonese dance, will bring you different feelings Waiting places make your life absolutely wonderful in Yue dance.










热门标签: 社团 舞蹈 英文






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大年三十聚团圆,鞭炮声声过大年。金盆玉碗宴一桌,全家老少围成圈。儿孙满堂人气旺,长寿面条根根长。圆满水饺诱人馋,福禄寿康美满添。除夕吉祥欢!以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《给父母的除夕夜拜年短信》,供大家参考。  1.给父母的除夕夜拜年短信  1、除夕夜里子

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欢欢喜喜元宵到,举国上下秧歌跳,噼噼啪啪放鞭炮,花灯谜语惹你笑,汤圆也来凑热闹,甜蜜团圆围你绕,祝福短信问你好,愿你兔年好运天天到!本篇文章是i乐德范文网为您整理的《2023年企业元宵节祝福语》,供大家阅读。2023年企业元宵节祝福语1  1、元宵节的灯火

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演讲稿 2023-04-25



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